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Before I start, sorry for the slow updates, but my siblings and I have started online school so that's gonna be fun. I would like to note that for my purposes, I am aging up some of the younger characters. Sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm not really good with action, but I'm learning! Please give kind suggestions on how to improve! Now, on with the show!!

Hadrian POV:

       The house elves serve a quick but delicious dinner of roasted potatoes and grilled chicken. Everyone eats quickly so we can get the raid done and over with. We're gonna kidnap the important weasels. Fred and George,Percy and Ginny of course. The other weasels are loyal to their parents and the flaming chickens.  Damn that house is so full of magic that I might suffocate from it. Those weird muggle contraptions as well that have been played around with magic could be trouble. Everyone dons their death eater robes. Bellatrix, Fenrir, Regulus, Lucius and a couple other  random death eaters to keep watch. James and Snape would be here, but they're taking this time to "catch up".  That way we have one per weasel and back up if they get back up before we're done. But that isn't gonna happen. Everyone apparates to the Burrow. The random death eaters stay outside and keep watch. The four of us go in and  are immediately greeted by the living room. They don't even have an entrance hall.We pass through that and up the stairs. Lucius stops at she-weasels room to get her. The rest of us head up the stairs to get the other three. Regulus goes to get Percy and I go to get the twins. Right as I enter their room, the parentals wake up and come down the stairs wand drawn. Apparently, they heard our entering, Finally. Bellatrix and Fenrir are already on it, grabbing their wands to fight. Bellatrix takes muggle lover and Fenrir takes the sorry excuse of a mother. Bellatrix starts with a Levicorpus and follows with an Expulso.

"Try not to destroy the hovel, while your at it Bells. We still need to get out with  the important weasels." Fenrir calls as he dodges a spell from molly. He sends an Imperio and a Locomotor Mortis at  Arthur. I make sure that the twins get all the things that they will possibly need or can't be left behind and we make an exit down the stairs while Bellatrix and Fenrir incapacitate the two eldest weasels before they can get down the stairs and floo for help. We dash down the rest of the stairs, stopping to throw a quick Expelliarmus and an Incarcarous at a sleeping Charlie and Bill. Can't have them waking up and coming into the fight. We join Lucius and Ginny down the stairs with Regulus and Percy also. From there we throw a quick reducto at the foundation of the house and leave. Not before watching the house crumble though. We show everyone a room before heading to bed ourselves. Wonder why Fred and George looked different for some reason.

I am really really really sorry if this sucks. I'll try to update again sometime soon!!

Just Kill Me Already [Adopted] *BEING REWRITTEN*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat