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Harry's POV:

The door opened much too quietly in my opinion. I wanted my grand entrance to be well,grand and magnificent! Once I entered the room I could clearly see Voldy sitting atop a throne is all of his snakey glory. All the death eaters were in attendance of course. As I walked in they all just stared.I couldn't decipher if it was Nagini lounging on my shoulders or just me basically surrendering myself that was causing all of the stares. 

" Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Live-To-Come-And-Die" Voldemort cackled and then laughed along with his death eaters.

"Actually, that's not why I'm here."I said looking up to stare the snake man in the eyes. All of the death eaters stared at me like I had lost my mind. You know what, maybe I am. But then again so are they so they're just being hypocritical. Surprise broke through Voldemorts emotionless mask but he quickly recovered. Then he tried to enter my mind. Boy was he shocked to  find my occlumency wall. After the whole accident in the minstry I bought myself a few books and taught myself. While I was teaching myself I compared it to Snape's "training" and he was doing it totally wrong. Shock appeared on Voldy's face again but only for a second, but I saw it. Then he stood from his throne and stared down at me trying to make me feel small , but it wasn't working.

"Then why did you come here Harry Potter?" he didn't say it loudly, it was more of a whisper but it carried throughout the whole room.

Now or Never I thought as I said, "To make a deal." Voldemort laughed again and the death eaters looked uneasy but quickly joined in as to not disappoint their lord.

"What makes you think that I'll make a deal with you, when I can just kill you now and be done with it?" It was a question,I could tell, but it came out like a  statement because no one had obviously ever questioned the dark lord.

"It's quite simple really, you make the deal or I leave" I said clearly with my head held high. The death eaters looked shocked and appalled as no one had ever stood up to or questioned their lord. The two enemies stood in the middle of the room having a stare down for quite some thime before Voldy said,

"And what is this deal you wished to make. What would I get out of it?" Ah, the million dollar question.

"In return for my life I ask for the deaths of the residents of number 4 Privet Drive. And I wish to see them suffer before you kill me." I stated clearly. THis time he didn't even try to mask the shock on his face. Neither did his death eaters. They all were staring at me with their mouths wide open.

"You're going to catch flies if you don't shut your mouths." I said and then all of them quickly recovered from their shock and disbelief. "Also, I want to join in on the torture of the muggles" Now this time even some of the death eaters fainted and even Voldemort's mouth was hanging open.

" Speaker, it seems you have done the impossible. I wish to congratulate you." Nagini said

"Thank you Nagini, I am proud of myself." When Nagini and I finished out little conversation that snapped everyone out of their shock for the second time and even the people who had fainted were awake now. Even though it was only Voldemort who understood what had been said. The death eaters were just looking on in shock and disbelief that I was speaking to a snake.

So, I have finished this chapter sorry for having irregular updates I will try to figure out a schedule to update on. I am almost done copying over the chapters.If you have any ideas that you want in later chapters then just let me know in the comments! And I would like to thank anyone who is reading this and I hope you are all enjoying this!

Just Kill Me Already [Adopted] *BEING REWRITTEN*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora