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Harry's POV:

As we rode the train back to the station Malfoy kept glancing at me suspiciously. I mean if I were him I would be too. It's not everyday that you get the savior of the wizarding world just surrender to his "enemy". To be honest I'm just done with all of the fight, manipulation, and running. I don't know where the idea to make a deal with Voldemort came from but hey, it's something.Yes, I said deal. Did you just think that I would turn myself in for free? I want him to do something for me of course. I can probably guess what you're thinking. How am I going to get him to do something for me?Well I'm not really sure but I thought that I could just ask really nicely and if he says no then I'll just leave. How will I leave you question? I'll call Dobby to come get me. Yes, the house elf with a strange obsession with me. I've already told Dobby my plan. He isn't happy with it of course but he has still has agreed to not tell anyone or interfere unless I call for him. So at least that's something. We've arrived at the station now and I can see the elder Malfoy waiting regally on the platform for Draco. I nod to Malfoy and grab my things and follow his snootiness over to Malfoy Sr. He looks startled dropping the infamous Malfoy mask for a second.

"Draco, what is the Potter boy doing here?" the elder Malfoy says. Malfoy was about to start explaining when I but in and start talking.

"Mr. Malfoy, how nice to see you again. If you could clearly see I am turning myself in." I explain

"How do I know that this isn't a trap?" He asks

"Because it isn't. Besides how can I attack anyone when I don't have my wand?" I point out while Draco holds up my wand. I look around. "So, how are we leaving? Because if we are we should go now before someone thinks something is suspicious." I say whilst pointing in the direction of the Weasleys which you could tell from a mile away just by their hair. It was only Molly, Ginny, and Ron but still that was enough to cause trouble if they caught up to us. It was then that I felt the familiar pull on my navel that has become associated with apparation. I now see that I'm outside the gates of the Malfoy Manor. The pit of snakes.

"Draco, I can trust that you can keep an eye on our... guest while I go and inform the dark lord of his presence?" It was a question that was stated in a way that left no room for argument from anyone as I was led away by the youngest Malfoy away from the foyer as we had entered the manor.

" What is wrong with you Potter? You're supposed to fight him not turn yourself in like a bloody idiot!" he says in the I'm talking to a dumb person voice. 

"Exactly, this is just proving my point. Everyone expects me to do all of this shit because when I was little basically as a chance of luck the love of my mother rebounded a killing curse and "vanquished " the dark lord. Like I said I was a baby for Merlin's sake. I want nothing to do with this. Ok, I didn't choose this life. I was thrust into it." I mini rant as a way to respond to the stupid question that I was asked and by the time that I finished I had tears falling from my eyes. Just as sudden as I apparently had started crying Malfoy jumps up and away. I turn and see Nagini following us. I let a chuckle out as I wipe up my tears. As she slithered closer I bent down to talk to her as Malfoy looked at me like I just had sprouted another head or something.

"stupid humans running away like little children." Nagini hissed

"Hello Nagini, good to see you again" I hissed a reply while crouching down to look her in the eye.

"Speaker, the blonde humans are always walking around acting surperior to everyone"  she hissed. I just laughed.

"I know that, why are you not with your master?" I asked

"Because he wanted me to follow you."  she replied.

"Well if you are going to do that then do you want a ride?" I inquired

"Yes, these floors are a nightmare for my skin"  she complained " Thank you" she hisses while slithering up my arm to rest around my shoulders. As I turn back to look at Draco he looks slightly uncomfortable.

"Let's go" he said while turning  around. We walk a little over a foot and come to this foreboding door that looks like it just holds an evil behind it. In an aspect there is. Eventually after a few minutes of waiting an anonymous death eater comes out and tells us that the dark lord is waiting. We push the closing doors open again and stare into the room filled with Voldemort, death eaters, and wands pointed at me. Oh my!!

So did anyone get the referance at the end? If you did make sure to comment! I am slowly working on the chapters but sadly I still have to go to this thing called school. I hope to have another one up by tonight!

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