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Third Person POV:

Harry, having now accomplished the impossible, was internally rolling on the floor laughing. He of course wasn't actually doing that as he didn't want to die until he had eradicated the Dursleys'. Laughing at the dark lord while he was in a full of people who wanted him dead was not the best idea. It would just be suicidal and he really didn't want to die until he had acconplished his plans. The dark lord  was quickly recovering and soon had his usual stone cold mask in place. The death eaters weren't so lucky and many were still staring in shock. Oh how he found joy to shock and confuse people!

"Potter, you aren't who I was expecting you to be." spoke Voldemort in his usual drawl.

"Hmmm.." Harry hummed, " I live to please" he said while making eye contact with the dark lord. He felt a prod against his mind shields and his slammed them down and smirked at the man as he knew what he was doing. Voldy looks so irritated that at one point Harry could see his face become slightly dark like he was next going to have smoke come out of his ears. It excited Harry to an extent that it somewhat scared him. Oh, he wasn't afraid of Voldemort as he wished for death, he was afraid of the excitement he got from making the dark lord angry and boy could he say that Voldy looked pissed. Voldyshort's hands were twitching to grab his wand and his brows were furrowed. Voldy was still standing so he was standing stiff as a board and straight as a nail as if he was trying to stop himself from cursing at the young boy. How sweet! It was to the point that Nagini hissed,

"Master, can I keep him? "  this startled everyone and reminded the death eaters of her presence on Harry's shoulders still. Even he , himself had forgotten that Nagini was still there. At least he wasn't the only one who had forgotten. Any shock that was still in the death eaters was thrown out the window and replaced with so much terror that some were even shaking.

" No Nagini, you may not keep him. However, you can eat his corpse once I am done with him. " He rasped. The way he had said it is as if it as anyone else that she would have been very pleased.

" Master, I cannot eat him. Master if you have heard he is a speaker. You can't kill him master, I won't allow it. And you know how far between I can ever get someone else I can and want to talk to. " she hissed in a voice that surprised Harry to no end, but was also surprised at the fact that Nagini had stood up for him.

" Why not Nagini, what will you do to stop me? " This is what had puzzled the snake. She didn't want to hurt her master, but she didn't want him to kill the speaker either. At this point all of the death eaters were confused as the three had been speaking parsle for a solid half hour and none of them had any idea where the conversation had been going. At this point it had finally occurred to Voldemort who just chuckled and rasped " why of course not. They don't have to understand what we are discussing as they will go along with basically anything I tell them to." After saying that he turned to his loyal death eaters and said in english, "Isn't that right my servants?" murmurs of yes my lord and of course we would rang out in the room even though their faces only showed confusion. " Dismissed" he said dismissing them as they all disappeared with a  loud pop leaving me alone with the dark lord.

So this is all of the chapters that @SeemlyKittenLover had written. I have some ideas to what will happen  in the next few chapters  but I want your input on something. Should I add in creature inheritance or one of the light actually have a dark parent or a combination of both? Let me know in the comments! Also again, I would like to thank anyone who has read my books including this one!

Just Kill Me Already [Adopted] *BEING REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now