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Decided to give the gift of some Sirius and Regulus brotherly time that I found on the internet. Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Regulus' POV:

I can't wait to see my Fenry!!! It's been a week since I've been liberated from those damn muggles and then Tommy tells me that since he will have a huge summoning of all his followers soon, that includes Fenry,James and my brother ! Which means that I can see him as he still thinks I am dead. Ooops! That means that Sev can stop acting like such a cranky dungeon bat and finally interact with his son and mate again. And see his son's birthday for the first time since he was little.I know he hasn't been over since Hadrian got his inheritance test. I know he tries to not show it, but even though the two of them have a bad past, Hadrian just wants to meet his father. He has strangely been being comforted by Draco. I do suspect that the two of them are mates. Oooh!! I should get ready as they are coming soon. Breakfast is being  served now s so I best be getting ready in a hurry. As I head down the maze of stairs and hallways that when Voldy was crazier than Bells had commissioned so order of the fried chicken couldn't find him. Once I get to the dining hall, everyone else is already there eating breakfast. Once I greet everyone and sit down with my plate, I ask Tom when we are going to do the raid/kidnapping of the most important weasleys.

"Tonight so make sure that you have everything packed and ready with your mask. All of my deatheathers will be here this afternoon because we will need them to help us make sure that this goes smoothly." Great, that means that I have at least a couple hours to wait. Maybe i'll navigate my way through this maze and sit in the library for a few. I am quickly engrossed in the book about creature inheritances when I hear Mippy pop in and announce

(sorry can't do it in their broken english. not happening at 10:30 pm)"Master Black sir, mippy is getting you for lunch sir." I hadn't realized that I had been reading the large tome for that long. I hold on to mippy's hand and she apparates? me to the dining hall. As we are finishing up lunch the houselves come and clear away the meal. All who are in Tom's inner circle including Hadrian and Draco get up and follow him to his throne room where he will use that useless snit Wormtail to summon every deatheater. This will include the ones from Azkaban and the ones in hiding from Tommy. With the resounding pops of apparation are heard throughout the room as everyone shows up in their garb and mask. Hadrian and I  are standing off to the side of Tom waiting to be announced with our faces covered of course. Why ruin the surprise when the looks will be so worth it?  After everyone has showed up including my fenry and sev's james. I can also see Siri and his bond mate Remus. I did not know of this development. Last I remember those two were firmly in dumblefuck's pocket. Maybe my "death" made them realize some things? Either way, it's good to see them on my side. I would have been awkward if at the final battle I had to battle them. Now to stand patiently and wait for my turn to be introduced.

                  *Time skip brought to you by the wait for me to write this(Sorry 😢)*

"Now, today we have some people who were currently missing and are now found. I present to you Severus's and James' son, Hadrian James Prince Potter." After that grand introduction he flings his hood off and goes to stand between James and Sev.

"Next we have the dead that are now alive! Regulus Black!" I can just see the disbelief on Siri's face when I slowly take my hood off of my face. Fen's saddened face suddenly turns up  and lets off the most dazzling smile that I just have to smile back. I walk off of the stage to go stand by Fen. He pulls me into his chest and nuzzles my head murmuring

"I missed you Reg"

"I know you did" I whisper back. "I can't wait to catch up on all that has happened" 

"Now, back to  business. Tonight we are retrieving the most important blood traitors from the Weasels. I'll need Severus, James, and Narcissa here with healing potions for any injuries the other filth might cause. Lucius, Nott, Regulus, Hadrian, Sirius and Remus. You will be with me and Hadrian making sure that this goes as smoothly as possible and are actually in charge of extracting the needed ones. No killing because that will alert for backup and possibly an investigation. They will get spare rooms and we will go to Gringotts in the morning. After attending order meetings Severus has gathered that they are acting less weasel and more dark. Meeting dismissed. Sirius, Remus, Fen, James, Sev and I all follow Hadrian up to his room for us to all catch up.

I am sorry if this seems a little rush, I had an idea and worked as fast as I could to type it up.  I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.Everyone who has a corona-cation, have a good one and stay healthy!! 'Til next time!! 

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