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Dudley POV:

                     I  hope that my cover hasn't been blown. I saw the look on Hadrian's face when I was carted away. It looked like a mix of confusion and curiosity. I hope he doesn't suspect anything yet. I'm betting all of you readers are asking why all this is happening to me. Well, I am actually a wizard by the name of Regulus Black. After being a little brat child, it feels good to be my own appearance for a while. I can't wait to see the look on Sirius' face when he sees that i'm still alive. Yes, shortly after I "died" by being dragged down by the inferi, Tom came back for me and cast a temporarily permanent glamour so that i could be the kid and watch Sev and James' boy grow up. I hope that James comes back with the pack soon. Then I can see Fenny and Sev and Hadrian can see James for the first time since when he was "Harry Potter"  and he only knew that his parents died. Oh I can't wait for the upcoming month. I also can't wait to see Fenny again. My  dog  has been itching for him since I put this bloody glamour on.

Tom POV:

                The information Regulus has given us is invaluable. By the end of this month we will be able to rescue the ministry pet, the  twins and the youngest Weasel from their blood traitor family. We can also plan the kidnapping of the longbottom and lovegood and get them to go to Gringotts and get a blood test done. I have a feeling that they are the missing children of my inner circle. The way that Draco looks at Hadrian must mean that he feels the mating pull and is just waiting for Hadrian to realize. The moment I talk to my inner circle and Hadrian we can start planning the raids.  I summon the useless rat Wormtail and use his mark on his grungy arm to summon my circle. 

*I'm sorry for the time skip but they have the meeting and talk about the raids and everyone agrees*

               The first raid will happen in a couple of weeks giving me time to practice the wonderful spells in the book that Hadrian gave me. His handwriting must have also been a block because now it is a neat scrawl like Draco's and any other purebloods' children. I can't wait to see what those delicious spells do! The first house that we are going to hit is the Weasleys because they have the most children to rescue and they are the most valuable. First we are going to wait for them to be asleep and come in the dead of night and take the people needed and stupefy the other blood traitors and make it look like an actual kidnapping. Then immediately go to Gringotts and get blood tests done. We'll leave a couple people behind with an owl so we can send them a message about when to enervate the other weasels and and then hop on thestrals and leave. In these past months we have been able to convince most of the creature over to our side from Dumblefuck. I must really ask Hadrian for a pensieve memory of the look on Dumble's face when Hades is sorted into his proper house.  Now, back on track, I must go practice those new spells so I can perform them with confidence.

I'm am really sorry I haven't updated any sooner! Life has not been kind to me since I did the last chapter. Wattpad was blocked on my school chrome book , I started a new semester and honestly had no idea what to write this chapter about. I also have a couple huge projects for my american history class due soon. Yikes!! I hope you like the update and like always please nicely criticize nicely, as this is my first fanfic!! 

Just Kill Me Already [Adopted] *BEING REWRITTEN*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя