he smirks despite my annoyed tone. "so what I'm hearing is, you had a say in picking the condoms." he licks the inside of his cheek, cocking an eyebrow at me. "and you two settled on extra large?"

"no, actually, I was realistic and recommended the extra small condoms, but she's more optimistic than me, I guess."

"ouch," he says almost playfully, pretending to be offended. he places his hands on the sink counter on either side of my thighs, resulting in our faces being only inches apart. my sweaty palms tell me how aware my body is of that.

I turn my head to look away from his eyes, and an awkward silence fills the air between us. I suddenly feel him gently place his fingers on my chin, turning my face to look at him. "are you going to tell me why you're in here?"

I lean slightly away from his touch, and his hand returns to its spot on the counter. his gesture leaves me confused.

"I already told you why I came here."

he eyes me skeptically. "so that's all you wanted to do? give me a play by play of lana's purchases?" he pushes off from the counter to cross his arms again. I strain to keep my eyes up. "something tells me you didn't go through the trouble of walking into the men's bathroom in plain sight just to let me know lana's buying fucking condoms."

"you're right, ethan. I didn't just come in here to give you lana's play by play. I actually came in here to tell you I don't want you to have sex with her."

that's what I would've liked to say to his face, but I don't. my refusal to let him hear what he wants to hear is what holds me back.

instead, I say, "prepare to be disappointed, then, because that is all I wanted to tell you. just making sure she wasn't buying condoms for someone else, but they are for you, so. glad we cleared that up." I feel my face getting warm out of embarrassment.

no one with a sensible mind would buy that.

he scoffs, clearly not believing me. "why do you care if she cheats on me or not? actually, it wouldn't even be cheating. we're not dating."

"right, of course not, because you're the ethan dolan and no one's good enough to date you." the words come out harsher than I intended them to. "newsflash, every girl is too good for you and you're a pig."

I have no idea where that came from. why did I decide to confront him? my anger is getting the best of me.

he cracks a smile, as if he's trying not to laugh. "you think you have me all figured out, it's adorable, actually," he says condescendingly.

as if anything I've said isn't true.

"okay, then. prove me wrong. tell me one girl you've gone out on a real date with." I raise my eyebrows expectantly. "just one."

he licks the inside of his cheek, taking a second to think. "mary johnson."

"a name you didn't make up," I deadpan. I'm almost positive there is no mary johnson at our school. it's too generic of a name.

"I didn't make it up, you just don't know her."

"okay, ethan." I say sarcastically.

"if you think I'm such a pig, why try to help me then?" he questions, slowly but surely breaking apart my lame coverup. "unless that was bullshit to hide why you really came in here."

"oh, and why would that be?" I tilt my head and wait to hear what he thinks to avoid answering myself.

"it's pretty obvious, evie." he takes a single step closer to me, still crossing his arms sternly. "it bothers you that I'm going to have sex with lana so fucking much, doesn't it?"

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