Secret Ingredients

Start from the beginning

Lance had been continuously groaning ever since he had escaped to the comfort of his confectionary bakery. He took a breath every now and then, but continued groaning as Hunk started eating the deathly strawberry cake. Hunk delicately cut himself a slice of the three tiered cake and licked his lips and anticipation. He could care less about Lance's love life since there was cake on his plate. The manager excitedly danced across the kitchen to grab a fork and giggled as his picked up his piece of cake.

"What a win for me. God I love your cakes," he spoke before taking a bite and moaning loudly at the taste.

"Perfect as always! Smooth buttercream. Perfect amount of fluffiness in the cake and oh god this strawberry cream," he groaned and took another bite.

"I'd appreciate it if you could have your foodgasm when I'm not wallowing in self pity," Lance said as he stared at the ceiling from his kitchen floor.

"Lighten up, dude. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be," hunk muffled with a mouthful of cake.

"Of course it's meant to be! She's perfect for me!" He whined and pouted.

"You guys don't really have anything in common tho. I mean when was the last time you read something that wasn't a cookbook or fan fiction online?" Hunk asked.

"I read a deadpool comic last night," Lance offered.

"I seriously doubt Allura would be in to that kinda lewd humor."

"Why? Because she's a woman?" Lance challenged.

"No because she literally said she hates crude humor," he said and cut himself a second slice of cake.

"Oh...when did she say that?" Lance inquired.



"I think you were too busy planning your cake after she said she loves yellow cake," he replied.

"Dammit. I can only think about one thing at a time," he grumbled.

The door bell chimed as someone entered the bakery, and Lance lifted himself up enough to look over the counter. Pidge came in with a weird looking gadget on their head and a device in their hand. They didn't even look up to acknowledge the two others before they pressed a couple buttons and a strange sound went off from the headset.

"Ugh. Why don't you guys get some wifi in here? You'd probably get a lot more customers," they grumbled and shut off their device before walking over and hopping up on the counter.

"We've been thinking about it. I actually looked in to a few online and if we pull in enough profit this month we might," Hunk replied. Pidge nodded and then read the words on the cake. They chuckled a little and looked at Lance who continued to mope on the floor.

"I'm flattered you wanna date me, Lance, but I have my mind set on one thing and one think only," Pidge said as they started to cut them self a piece.

"Ugh. That wasn't for you, Pidge."

"What's the only thing on your mind, Pidge?" Hunk asked with a knowing smile.

"Cake, of course," they grinned and grabbed a sample fork off of the heated display case.

"Of course, my aroace little friend," Hunk replied and clinked forks with them.

"You're lucky you don't have feelings for people, Pidge. It's awful," Lance mumbled.

"Lance. Have a piece of cake. Whatever happened couldn't have been that bad," Pidge offered.

"He tried to ask Allura out with a cake, but then she told him she's deathly allergic to strawberries and he totally had to take the cake away from her before she could read it," Hunk told them. Pidge blinked.

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