Chapter XX

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" M'lady, it's time to get on the train."


As they gave the last warning for passengers to mount the German train, heading for Zürich, the two entered the transport. Showing their tickets and heading towards the third-class cabin.

"I hope we get there safely."

"Why would you say that [Fake/name]?! We've been able to get this far, why wouldn't we be able to get there safely?!"

"No! It's nothing like that, I just have this kind of feeling, the journey was peaceful but don't you think it was a little too peaceful?"

"We are dealing with the world's greatest detective, aren't you surprised that he hasn't even found us yet, as if he didn't even look for us. The man on the train could've just been your imagination, there's no way Arthur would send such a fool to look for me?" _____ continued.

"I do have my doubts as well but I don't think we should worry too much, we're almost there, from there if we can get to the countryside, we'll be safe."

Annabelle understood _____'s worries but she didn't want to make things more stressful than they already were. She too was worried and knew that something bad could happen at any moment but for _____'s sake, she'd rather stay silent and hope for the best. When she saw _____ in that mansion, she couldn't stop feeling pity for her, she wouldn't be surprised if _____ had killed herself if her former master kept treating her like that.

A woman who was willing to be cut off from her family just to fulfil her dream wouldn't like being caged in a mansion no matter how luxurious it was. That's why Annabelle promised herself she would do anything possible to help _____.

The train ride was quite long but the females chatted and laughed to pass the time and eventually, the time came when the train came to a stop and loudly whistled, indicating it was time to get off.

There was a man waiting at the exit, checking everyone's tickets. Fortunately, they were able to get through without any troubles.

The real trouble came when they had to find a place to stay at, there were plenty of inns near the station but the one that Annabelle had in mind was a little far. A distant relative of her friends worked there so she decided to stay there for the night as language wouldn't be the problem there.

Finding it was more trouble than it was worth but they were too tired to complain, they didn't even make a fuss when the owner offered a somewhat unreasonable price, they just threw the money requested on the counter and went to their room.

"Goodnight Annabelle..."

"Goodnight m'lady."


Morning came soon and Annabelle and _____ decided to see the city they would spend the next few days before heading towards the countryside.

"Come on Anna!"

It was the first time Annabelle had seen _____ so happy, she looked cute, almost childlike.

She was glad she took the risk to help her, seeing her smile like this made everything worth it.

"Yes, let's go."

The city was bustling with life, even in this cold weather. Both _____ an Annabelle were dressed in thick coats that covered everything except their face, and even then at a distance, it would be impossible to recognize them.

"Let's go over there, I want to try the food here!"

"Slow down, please!"

They soon reached the small shop that sold the sweet delicacies.

"Which one do you want Anna?"

"I think that one looks best." She said, pointing at a chocolate cake with some fruit on top.

"Ok, you get them, I'll wait outside."

"Okay [Fake/Name]."

As the female exited the shop she stood outside, looking around to see if she saw something she liked from her spot.

"Found something you like?"

"No, I'm just wait-"

Her eyes widened with horror as she slightly turned her head to see Arthur breathing down her cheek as he was slightly crouched down to meet her with her face.

"A-Arthur?" She whispered under her breath.

"You've been quite bad, haven't you, love?"

"But if you come quietly I might just be gentle and only cut your tendons to make sure you never walk again."

_____ backed away, but as she turned around and was about to sprint away from the dirty blond he grabbed her arm, probably leaving an ugly bruise in the process.

"Of course, if you try to be difficult I may have to break them, which could be quite painful and just so you know, I don't intend to let them heal either."

His voice was low, only loud enough for her to hear, any passerby would think they were lovers but that, unfortunately, wasn't the case, _____'d rather die than to call him her lover.

As he kept whispering all of the gruesome things he'd do to her once he took her back, tears started to well-up in _____'s eyes as she tried her best to release herself from his grip.

"Let me go..."

"I don't want to live with you, please..."

Arthurs smile only grew, seeing _____ so begging weakly, oh how much he missed this aspect of you. After he took you with himself you were so bland, expressionless almost. Seeing how you reacted only fueled his desire to take you back.

Just as Arthur was about to dip you in a sweet kiss a cake landed itself on his face. He momentarily let _____ go out of shock and _____ took this as a chance to run.

"Over here!" Shouted Annabelle.

Without a second thought _____ ran towards Annabelle and tightly gripped her hand and started running. While Arthur just stood there, a menacing aura surrounded him as he rubbed that cake off of his face. It was [Fav./flavour], _____'s favourite flavour, he licked the last bit of cake off of his finger as his jaw clenched, his emerald green eyes glared in the direction _____ had run to.

"That bloody maid, I'm going to have fun torturing her when I get my hands on her."

He ran towards the direction _____ had run off to. This time, he would make sure to catch you...

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