Chapter XVII

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As the pair walked through the less crowded part of the train station, their eyes fell upon a not-guarded entrance.

The station had been recently renovated, all except for that area. It was located at the back of said place.

The walls were cracked around that area and many holes were present there and it just so happened that one of those holes fit [Name] and her maid perfectly.

After crawling through that unsanitary shaft in a most unladylike manner, the females had to get to the main area, where the would get on the train and leave for Germany.

This task was easier than the previous ones as security inside the train station was much lighter than outside.


The females were now boarding the train, they were going on third-class, money was a valuable asset and they needed to save as much of it as possible so [Name] didn't complain.

"Watch your step, [Fake-Name]."

"Right." Whispered back the female.

"Est-ce que je peux voir vos billets de train, mesdames?" (May I see your train tickets, ladies?)

[Name] jumped at the sudden intervention of the man asking to see their train tickets.

"O-Oui!" (Yes) Said the former opera singer as she handed the male their tickets.

The man didn't question them any further and handed them back their passes as he pointed towards their respective seats.

They both sighed in relief, praying that the rest of their journey goes smoothly.


The train soon came to a stop, nothing noteworthy had happened during their journey.

At least, that's what [Name] and Annabelle though.

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