Chapter VI

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It was morning, both Arthur and _____ were headed towards the carriage that would take them back to London.

"I really enjoyed our trip, what do you think, love?"

"I think it was nice too." She said. Arthur had been noticing how she had been getting more and more distant from him. At first, he thought it was because she was embarrassed because of the kiss but know he knew there was more too it.

He was sitting next to fiance when he suddenly had a thought.

'No, it couldn't be, could it?' He was having an internal crisis at the moment but then he decided that he would lay the matter off and argue with himself some other time.

At the moment he was too busy staring at the female sitting next to him. She was wearing the dress he bought her a while back before they went on this vacation.

According to the blond, she looked absolutely mesmerizing, like an angel. Arthur had never been very religious, he only went to church from time to time to not make people suspicious of him being a so-called 'non-believer' but looking at _____ made him feel like God had sent her from the heavens especially for him.

_____'s P.O.V.

I can't believe Arthur did that! When he was changing yesterday, I accidentally saw something I would rather not have seen. At first, I thought they were just files but then I found out that, there was something more to it. The pictures attached to the files were very familiar. One of them belonged to a friend of mine.
He worked with me but, what would have Arthur wanted with him?
I looked at some other files and in the end, they all belonged to people I knew, most of them were male. Except for Anne, she was also a singer though, for some reason she didn't like me but, what would Arthur want their files for? I need to get away from him. I actually trusted him!

Though now, I regret ever doing so, I need to escape but, how? It's not like I can suddenly just leave! I can't go to the authorities either. Who knows what lies Arthur has fed them and it's not like they would, believe me, he's the best detective in all of the British Empire for crying out loud!

I don't feel safe anymore, I need to get away, oh god what am I to do!

"Love?" I looked at my right to see what Arthur wanted only to find hin intensely staring at my eyes. His gaze felt like it could pierce through my soul.

"What is it, Arthur?" I asked, trying my hardest not to flinch.

"Yesterday," Oh no, god no.

"how much did you exactly see." He said. I could feel the aura around him change from a calm one to a more dangerous.

I guess there's no point lying now, is there?

"I-I saw most of them but, why do you need my colleagues' files?"

He then took hold of my wrist and simply smirked at me before saying.

"I guess I could  tell you since you cannot leave me anyways, love."

What does he mean!?

"To put it simply, I just got rid of them. They were in our way and I know how much you hated that girl."

"But that doesn't give you the right to kill them!" I said a little louder than I was supposed to.

"Now now, love. Is that any way to talk to your future husband?"

"I want to call it off."

"Hmm. What did you say, love?"

"I want to call the wedding off! I don't want to marry a monster like you!"

Suddenly I felt his grip around my arm tighten as he then started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Really, I'd like to see you try!"

"Do you really think I would let you go so easily?"

"You underestimate me, love!"

He then proceeded to give the driver some signals and then hugged me tightly.

"You remember that man right, the one that once flirted with you when we were in that book story a while back? Well, guess what happened to him?"

My eyes widened, James jokingly flirted with most women he met but he was never serious about anything.

"You damn monster."
I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Now, that's no way for a lady to talk, love. I wouldn't say that, ever again."
He whispered the last part into my ear.

He then proceeded to mention every single person he had ever killed for this so-called love as he held me even tighter every passing second.

I wish I had never even though about going outside my apartment that day. I wish I had never met him.

I could only cry as he laughed at how weak I looked. I want nothing more than to leave him but, I couldn't even move.

Suddenly the carriage came to a stop as Arthur stepped out before me, at first I thought I'd be back to the safety of my apartment but I was naïve to think so. I was met with a large mansion, it was well maintained though it looked like it hadn't been used in a while.

"I presume you like my manor?" I only looked away uninterested and got out. I just wish I could have stayed in that carriage, even death would be better than staying with this monster.

He then proceeded to pull me slightly as he walked inside the large building. He took me to a room, it was large and very luxurious but in the end, prison is always the same no matter how much luxury you put in it.

He set me on a bed and sat next to me.

"Now love, we need to set some rules here, understood?"

I just ignore him but then I felt something grab my chin roughly, unsurprisingly, it was Arthur.

"Rule number one, you look at me every time I talk to you, no ignoring me, got that, love?"

"Rule number two, no talking back and absolutely no using unrefined words."

"Rule number three, no running away, I will catch you so don't even think about it."

"Rule number four, you listen to everything I say or else."

"And lastly, rule number five, I expect a kiss and a home cooked meal by you everytime I come back from work." 

I can't believe the nerve of this man, he is basically turning me into his slave!

"Oh and if any of these rules are broken, expect severe punishments."

"That's all for now, love. You seem tired, rest now."

I suddenly felt something poke through my neck, it was a sharp needle. Once it entered my skin I felt really tired and in a matter of seconds, my entire body felt limp.

"Sweet dreams, love"

And it all went black.

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