Chapter 15

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I prepare for the next day’s shoot and notice that it’s already 11 o’clock.

“Okay everyone, it’s time to wrap up.” I say and everyone starts to pack their things up.

As I’m about to leave, I see Jimin in the corridor walking by himself.

“Jimin!” I shout to get his attention and he turns to look in my direction.

“Hey, you guys were still working?” He asks, looking at the equipment in my hand.

“Yeah, we just finished the editing for today’s episode. So, is everyone in the dorms?” I ask.

“What do you mean? Weren’t we supposed to go straight from the shoot to the practice room and then to the dorms, like always?” He asks and lets out a small laugh.

“No, I mean, did someone come in late?” I ask.

“Nope.” He says and shrugs.

“But Jungkook went somewhere after the shoot.” I blurt out, and cover my mouth after realizing what just came out.

“Oh! So, it’s not about just any member. Anyway, he came in right after you guys arrived, and came straight to the practice room.” Jimin says and I nod.

“Well, I think I should go. Bye.” I say, embarrassed and ready to flee. He bids me goodbye and I run off.

As I walk to my apartment, I think about today. I definitely saw Jungkook leave with Iris to go somewhere else. Did he ditch her? Did he rush back? My mind is a mush and I decide to let it rest for tonight.

The next day~

“You guys are gonna have a photoshoot.” I say.

“That’s the easiest thing.” Hoseok says, smiling like a sun.

“Couples photoshoot.” I say and I see all eyes go wide and a few blushing faces.

“You mean…?” Taehyung asks.

“Yeah, you guys are gonna have to pose as the photographer says and since this is a task, we’re gonna have a winner by the end of this task.” I say and smile at their silliness.

“Hwa Young! That’s so hard! We’re not even couples to be posing like that.” RM pipes in.

“It’s just a task, and you guys ARE couples in this series. Any other questions?” I ask.

“How many more episodes are we gonna have?” Jungkook asks.

“Just two more. Since this is a short series, you guys have only two more episodes.” I say and they nod.

“Let’s get started? You guys can get your outfits and makeup done now. And we’ll meet up for the shoot.” I say and point to the makeup room.

Everyone rushes for their respective rooms to get ready and I go to check whether everything’s in place. I don’t have to operate anything today since no individual cameras are in place. I just have to supervise and I’m so glad.

After about two hours, everyone is ready to shoot. The photographer tells the first couple to come in, and everything goes smoothly.

All the couples do well. They’re a bit uncomfortable at first, but manage to pull off some great shots.

“Jungkook and Iris!” He calls out for the last couple. They step in.

Jungkook is wearing a black tuxedo, handsome as always. And Iris is wearing a short red dress that rides above her mid thigh. A bit too sexy. So sexy that I don’t remember it being in the catalogue for the shoot.

“Wait, Iris? This is not the dress you were supposed to be wearing.” I say and she looks at me as if she’s gonna eat me alive.

“Yeah, I didn’t like that one.” She says and waves me off.

“You can’t decide to do that. Go and change to what was kept for you.” I say, in an angry tone. I was done keeping my calm. She slowly walks over to me.

“Just mind your own business. I’m the one who has to shoot here. You’re just someone behind the cameras. So, I suggest you stay behind the cameras and let me do my work. What I wear is what I decide to wear. Got it? Also, someone like you who wears sweatpants all the time will tell me what I should and shouldn’t wear?” She says, looking at me straight in the eyes and smirks at the last statement.

“IRIS!” Jungkook snaps at her.

“What’s going on in here?” PD-nim walks in all of a sudden.

“Nothing. We were just about to start our photoshoot.” Iris says and walks back.

“I hope everything’s going fine?” PD-nim asks me.

“Yes. Everything is fine.” I say and tell the photographer to continue.

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