Chapter 14

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Yoongi and Hye won the first task, which wasn’t surprising since Yoongi was so good at cooking.

The task for today though, is a simple date to the convenience store.

“Everyone, gather around.” I say and call out all of the camera crew and the pairs.

“Okay, so today, you guys are gonna go on a date to the convenience store. Today is not a task day, so you guys can enjoy the day and buy whatever you want for your date from the convenience store itself. You’ll all be going to different stores. We have cleared the stores of crowds, so you don’t need to wear masks and can enjoy properly.” I say and some cheer.

“I’ll take you guys to your location.” I say to Jungkook and Iris, as the pairs split up and individual cameras are set up.

Iris jumps and clings onto Jungkook, who doesn’t show any signs of resistance. I guess he finally has decided to move on. Good.

We drive to the store. The only signs of life there was the cashier. I love this convenience store. It’s right around the corner of my old apartment, and that’s how I convinced the store owner to lend it to us for a few hours.

“I’m gonna start rolling in 3, 2, 1, and go.” I say and switch on my cam.

Jungkook and Iris go into the store, hand in hand, and roam around for some time.

“What’s that?” Iris asks suddenly, pointing to the ramen maker machine.

“You don’t know what that is?” Jungkook looks at her surprised.

“Not really. I don’t often go to convenience stores.” She says, and smirks. Looks like she does know what it is after all.

“Come on, let’s go there.” She says and pulls him towards the machine.

“Fine, let’s get some ramen to cook first.” Jungkook says and goes to get two packets.

He comes back and starts cooking the ramen in the machine, while Iris lingers close. She doesn’t leave his side and even makes passes at trying to hug him from time to time. When he turns around, she shoves herself into him.

“Oh, Jungkook, you’re so rock hard.” She says and smirks.

“What?” He asks, looking at her all flustered.

“I mean your abs are rock hard. You must work out a lot.” She says and I can’t help but roll my eyes. How fake can a person be? The answer is Iris.

“The ramen’s done. Let’s eat.” He says, changing the topic. He carries the two bowls towards a table while Iris follows.

They settle down and as soon as Jungkook takes his first bite, Iris pipes up.

“Feed me.” She says and Jungkook almost chokes. Iris hands him a glass of water.

“What are you talking about?” He asks.

“What do you think? We’re on a date.” She says and shrugs.

“This is not a real date.” He says and looks sternly at her.

“It’s not fake either. I’m sure your fans will be disappointed if they don’t get good reactions.” She says and opens her mouth. Jungkook feeds her a bite of the ramen and she chews happily.

“I’m not doing this again.” He says and looks straight at me. I try to look away.

“Don’t worry. I’ll edit this part out.” I say.

“The eating part?” Iris asks, almost jumping at me.

“No, the ‘not doing this again’ part.” I say and Iris nods with a knowing smile.

They finish up after talking some more, and get up.

“Do you wanna eat anything else?” Jungkook asks her.

“No, I gotta maintain my figure, honey.” She says and I cringe at the word.

“Let’s go then.” He says and I switch off my camera.

“Wait.” Iris catches a hold of Jungkook’s wrist.

“What?” He asks.

“Would you wanna come with me to a cafe or something?” She asks.

“The shoot’s over though.” He says and looks at her confused.

“No, not for the shoot. Just get some time alone.” She says and he looks down for a moment.

“Are we done here?” He finally looks up at me and asks.

“Yeah.” I say and nod. And without looking back, he walks out with her to whatever cafe she’s taking him to. And I’m left there, all alone. I decide to go back to the company.

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