Chapter 4

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It’s been about two weeks since I’ve returned to my old apartment. It was a place where Jungkook and I used to hang out when we didn’t wanna go home.

I sneaked some of my necessary stuff from the apartment when he wasn’t home. I have been going to work, but since I’m filming more of TXT, I barely get to see BTS, which has been a relief. I don’t know if I wanna face Jungkook so soon.

“Where is Jungkook? We need him for practice right now!” I heard a person shout as I pass through a hallway. He rushes off.

I peer into the practice room to see 6 members lying on the floor. I push the door open and enter, catching everyone’s attention.

“Oh, Hwa Young! You’re here. Where’s Jungkook?” RM says, as he gets up and walks over to me.

“I’m not sure.” I say and look down.

“What do you mean you’re not sure? I thought he was late because you guys were together.” Jimin says and sits up. The others sit up too. RM takes me over to the boys and makes me sit down with them.

“Tell us now. What’s up?” RM asks.

“He hasn’t told you guys yet?” I ask.

“Told us what? Ah, now that we’re here, I really wanted you guys to know that you should really stop staying up all night. It’s affecting JK.” Taehyung says, looking at me with a smirk.

“What’s happening to him?” I ask.

“You tell us. He’s been so distracted lately. He barely shows up on time and he’s always staring off into space, presumably thinking about you. Either you guys have been a lot in bed lately or you’ve been fighting. I’m thinking its the former.” Jin says and laughs out loud. The other boys join him.

“What’s up Hwa Young?” RM asks, after he notices that I didn’t laugh with them.

“We broke up.” I say in a small voice.

“You guys what?” He asks, in a loud voice. The other boys joined him and ask me what happened, worry evident on all of their faces.

“You guys have been together for 6 years and you break up as if nothing? How is that possible? What happened? Tell us Hwa Young.” Jin urges.

The door suddenly opens and everyone turns to see Jungkook walk in. He’s in bad shape and looks as if he’s not slept enough or at all.

“I gotta leave.” I say and get up.

“Hwa Young!” I hear Jungkook’s voice as my hand reaches for the door handle. I turn around and look at him moving towards me.

“Have you been okay?” He asks and I can’t do anything but stare at his state. He looks miserable and tardy. I don’t wanna see him like this and I don’t want him to see my tears that are threatening to fall.

I open the door and walk out.

I love you, Jeon JungkookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz