Chapter 3

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It’s 9:45 already. So much for making it in time. As soon as I’m about to go into the bedroom, I hear a loud knock on the door. I rush to open the door.

“Hi!” I see Jungkook with a guilty smile on his face. I turn away and walk inside without a word.

“Hey, I’m sorry.” He says, as he back hugs me, and I stop. I turn slowly and look up at him.

“That’s the only thing you say to me these days.” I say and try to get out of his pull.

“Look, I’m really sorry but you know how it is. The schedules are all messed up because of the upcoming album.” He says and tries to come closer.

“I know everything, but I do expect to have my boyfriend to me at least once in a day. You’re always coming back after I’m asleep. You leave before I can wake up. You leave when you get calls from the…” I say, and his phone starts ringing. He quickly fishes it out of his pocket and looks at who’s calling.

“Hwa Young, I really need to take this..” He says, looking over at me, as if for permission.

“Go ahead and do whatever you want.” I say, storming out of the room and into my bed.

After about 15 minutes, I feel Jungkook’s arms snake around me.

“I’m sorry babe.” He says and I sit up straight.

“Stop apologizing! I’m so sick of it.” I almost shout out. He sits up too.

“What do you want me to do, Hwa Young? You’re acting like a child.” He says.

“Yeah, I think I’m the one to blame. You know what, I don’t think I can take this anymore.” I say, my anger taking over. I quickly get up and try to walk out the door. Jungkook catches up to me and pulls me in a back hug.

“Where are you going?” He asks, not letting me move an inch. I struggle to get out of his embrace.

“Let me go.” I try to push him off of me. He finally gives me some space.

“Talk to me, Hwa Young. What is wrong all of a sudden? Is it because I couldn’t take you out yesterday?” He asks and my eyes go wide.

“All of a sudden? You think I’m acting out because of yesterday? Do you even listen to me anymore?” I ask him and he looks down.

“Look, I’m just really tired and I couldn’t…” He says and I interrupt him.

“I can’t take this anymore.” I say, a tear slipping out of my eye.

“Hwa Young, don’t cry please. Tell me what’s wrong.” He says and tries to hold my hand, but I push his hand away.

“What’s wrong is that even if you’d made it yesterday, I’d still have had to go out with a person who was covered in black from top to bottom, with your cap and your mask. What’s wrong is that we’ve been together for 6 whole years and I couldn’t tell my friends that I’m dating you. Even I wanna tell the world that you’re mine, but I can’t because your career is at stake. It breaks my heart to see when idols flirt with you right in front of my eyes, even though it’s just for work. I don’t think I can date an idol anymore.” I say and walk toward the door, tears flowing from my eyes like a stream.

“Hwa Young. Please don’t leave.” Jungkook says and I see tears in his eyes as I turn one last time.

“I’m sorry. I think breaking up is the only thing I can do right now.” And without looking back, I walk out the door.

I love you, Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now