Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke to the babies fussing. Opening my eyes I seen they were all three on my bed. I had brung them in here at two in the morning needing to be sure that they were fine. Heaven kept waking. I wanted to be sure that she was okay since she was very tiny as a new born.
Im surprised Reagan didn't take them when she got back. Thinking that was weird I looked at my phone to find I had no mis calls from her. I carefully exited the bedroom sure not to wake Allison up and looked out the hall window to find Reagan and Hunter was in deed back. They must have been too tired to take the babies from my room. Smiling I go back into my room and change the babies make bottles and carry them one at a time back into the nursery. Of course Hunter jr was the first to wake so I fed him first. With full bellies they went right back to sleep.

"Taking care of all three if you guys isn't so bad." I whispered.

"Im glad they didn't scare you away." I looked to find Reagan standing in the door way.

"No way. Im surprised that you didn't take them when you seen that they weren't in here when you got back."

"I wasn't worried. I knew that you had them. You were worried about Heaven huh?"

"How'd you know?"

"I bring her into the room with me sometimes just to keep an eye on her. I feel better when I do it. I did it more when they were smaller but not so much now. They are almost six months but she is still so small for her age. The doctor said that she will catch up shes just taking her time but I still worry sometimes."

"Thats understandable. I would do the same thing. How does Hunter feel about her taking up all the bed space?" I asked jokingly.

"He was the one that started it." She laughed. "I was glad that he did though. I wanted to be strong and have her stay in the nursery with Hope and Hunter but I was so happy when he said she needs to sleep in the bed with us."

"Me and Recheal use to sleep in moms room all the time also. Dad hated it." I smiled then suddenly realized that bringing mom up was a mistake. "Im sorry I didnt mean to..."

"It's cool. You and Rechael where just lucky to experience that." I gave a weak nod.

"When are you going to tell me about your past Reagan?" She sighed.

"My past is something I rather forget. My memories aren't so happy like you and Recheals are."

"We haven't always have happy moments."

"Oh so whats your worst memory. Your mom and dad denying you guys a trip to Disney World?" I knew that our bad memories couldn't amount to her bad ones. I just wanted to know everything about her. Good and bad but she always get so defensive when we talk about her past and that always seemed to pissed her off more when it came to mom. I wanted her to open up. Even if I did it in a way to piss her off. But not today. Today i was moody and sexually frustrated and Reagan wasn't afraid to snap in a second either. That was a fire waiting to happen and it was way too early for it. She may not knotice it but she was exactly like us.

"Im gonna go get dressed. Go home and take a much needed shower." I slid pass her.

"Thanks again for watching them."

"Don't mention it." I said as i continue to walk off. Being sure not to wale Allison I go into the room amd begin to dress when just seconds later she appears at my door. Talk about deja vu. I was only able to put on my bra at this point. So i was still basically neked. Although I still called myself being angry with her i don't stop her when she begin making her way towards me. She backs me against the wall and just stares at me.

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