Chapter 2

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"So you excited to unpack all of this stuff?" I asked as I flopped into the couch. Reagan had finally moved into her new home a week later and she couldn't stop smiling. I was just happy that she was happy.

"Just enjoy this. This is a home right here." She said happily with a sigh. She was spread out on the other couch. My smile widened.

"I'm happy for you sis." She looked over at me and just stared. "What?"

"Sis. I love that." She let out a loud sigh. "I feel as if everything is going to be good now."

"Good enough to talk to mom?" She sighed an annoyed sigh now. It was at that moment I knew I fucked up the vibe.

"Mention her again and I'm kicking you out my house."

"I live just ten minutes away now. Kick me out I can walk my ass home." She laughed.

"I can't stand you. Wheres Rachael. You two need to switch." We shared a laugh.


"Yeah Whatever. Allison will be here tomorrow anyway she'll take your place."

"No one can take my place. Remember that. I'm going to go check my babies."

"Don't wake them."

"I'm not going to wake them. Hunter jr. is probably already woke. He's so quite. That baby never cries." I say as I make my way up to there room. Recheal had already begin decorating there room. She was such a good mother. She was a little upset that she couldn't breast feed them but it was something she quickly got over. She was just grateful to be cancer free and to be able to raise her babies. Not being able to breastfeed was a small lost compared to her other battles.
"Look who's up." I heard as Reagan sighed.

"Raven, why?" I just smiled as I rocked my handsome nephew.

"He was woke. I couldn't leave him up there while he was awake. What kind of auntie would I be if I did that? You are so handsome. Yes you are." I rubbed my nose against his and he gave the widest smile. "I love him so much. I just want to eat him up." I cood. I was never really the mushy type but when it came to my nephew and nieces I was a complete mush.

"He would have went back to sleep Ray."

"I got him don't worry. Just call me auntie mommy for about an hour or two. And he'll go right back to sleep."

"Auntie mommy." Reagan mocked with laughter.

"I love you. Yes I do." I cood as I begin making my way to the kitchen. "Let auntie mommy make you a bottle."

I wasn't able to make it to Reagans house for the past two days. Although I was on vacation from work they called me in begging for me to work two days because they were short on staff. Of course I went in. I was enjoying my vacation but I also loved my job. I loved helping people and meeting new people. I knew that Hunter sister Allison was there so Reagan did have help witch made me feel better. I wanted to meet this Allison though. I was ready to not like her because she was one of the main one's that attacked my sister when she was pregnant. Calling her out her name because they had a misunderstanding as to why she was going to leave her babies with Hunter. She was lucky she left back home before I was able to meet her. She was the main one I wanted to get at. Darlin wasn't the only one that needed an ear lashing from me. My sister had a team now and I was going nowhere. I dared them to double team her now. It would be on and poppin.


"They are so adorable Ray." I said as I held Hope in my arms. Reagan mastered the art of feeding two babies at once and I fed one.

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