Chapter 7

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You and Fresh exited through another portal. But it looked like were you first fell.

"Hey, uh, Fresh? Is this where we're supposed to be?" You asked.

"Uhhh.... Nah, we're supposed to be in Ink's sphere thingy." Fresh replied confused.

"Can you try to take us there again?" You asked hopeful.

"Yeah, hop on." Fresh said.

You got back on the board and Fresh opened another portal. He rode through but you fell off. Y/n called his name, but before he could come back the portal closed. You huffed in frustration and stood up. Y/n used her wings to cover herself from the cold winds. She began to walk, and once again, heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw no one there.

"Hey Sans, I know that's you. We've done this before remember?" You spoke.

There was no reply. She tilted her head but continued walking. Y/n made it to a bridge with bars too far apart to stop anyone. This isn't what she ran into last time.

"Heya, don't you know how to greet a new pal?" Someone asked from behind.

You rolled your eyes and turned around smiling. But who you saw wasn't classic Sans. It was someone similar to you. This Sans had goggles on the top of his head and black wings. He had a black jacket with a fluffy collar. Underneath was a blue sweater. He wore black basketball shorts and slippers that had claws peaking out. He noticed you starring and raised a brow bone.

"You know it's not ice to stare." He said.

"Oh! Sorry!" You apologize, blushing in embarrassment. Y/n quickly shook his hand with a smile.

"Heh, no worries. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." He introduced.

"I'm Y/n! Nice to meet you!" You chirped. (Get it?)

"I've never seen you in the underground. So how do you know my name?" He asked.

"I thought you were a different Sans... From an alternate universe." You answered.

"Oh? Really? Can you prove it? Cause you have wings like the rest of us." He said.

"Yeah, about that... Fresh was my ride and we kinda ended up in the wrong place. And- wait. The rest of us? Are there more Sans and Papyrus here?!" You asked.

"No kiddo, there's more monsters in the underground other than a Sans and Papyrus." Sans said.

"Is one of them Toriel and Asgore?" You asked. (My auto correct made Asgore, ashore XD)

"Yeah." Sans simply said before walking away.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" You asked.

"To my bro, he'll be happy to see another human other than Frisk." He said.

"Who's Frisk?" You asked yourself.

When you looked back up Sans was gone. You groaned and slouched. 'could this day get any worse' You walked through the bars and continued on. You were SO excited to see what lies ahead.


Kinda short!(like sans) but sorry, had to get a chapter out. Since the Coronavirus is here I have more time to write.... Yay.

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