Chapter 16

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Missing part of the assembly I walk in and see most of the seats filled except the back. "Brynn." Someone whispers. Looking over I see Wyatt with his friends including Willa and Wynter. Walking over to them I stand next to Wyatt keeping my arms folded listening to the presentation. "With that being said, I would love for Mr. Strange to come up and here and talk about what he has in mind." Principal Morita says. Looking up I see my father walking on stage and is waving as everyone cheers for him and I can see Flash front and center to make sure he gets my father's attention. "That's your Dad?" Wynter asks. I nod my eyes never leaving my father. "Thank you! It's so good to be here! Now. I'll make this quick because I know you kids don't like being bored with presentations." Father laughs. Everyone laughs with him. "Now I have decided that being in Stark Industry I would like to give one of you lucky students to intern at my corporation, so you can learn what it's like to be working in a business field. Sign ups will be out on the desk right outside the auditorium for today and when you sign your name I want a small essay on why I should have you as an intern." He explains.

Everyone cheers as he walks down and goes to dad and gives him a kiss on his lips. "You have two dads?" Willa asks. Nodding I look at her. "That's cool." She smiles. I smile back and continue talking to the wolves. Wyatt and Willa talk about some stuff and I with Wynter. "Yo Freak!" Turning around I see Flash walking over to me. I raise an eyebrow at him. What could he possibly want now. "I want you to put a good word in for me to your dad." He says standing in front of me. "Why would I do that?" I ask. "Because I want in and I want you to put in a good word for me." He says. I shake my head no. "Absolutely not." His eyes widen when I say this. "Why not!?" He yells at me. "Because that's not fair for everyone else who's signing up for this. Everyone deserves a fair chance." I explain.

"You better put a good word in for me Freak!" He yells pushing me which causes me to fall on the ground. "DUDE WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" Wyatt shouts as him, Wynter and Willa help me off the ground. Getting off the ground slowly I try to find my balance, but fail. "When someone says "no" they mean "no" stupid!" Willa growls. "Yeah back off of Brynn! Before I make you! Wynter growls. "Not unless she puts a good word in for me! Because I want this badly!" He yells. Wyatt shakes his head and walk over to me and Willa. "So what do you say Brynn, you gonna do it?" He asks. "Like I said just early, no." I mumble. He gets ready to say something, but doesn't because a voice stops him. "So, you're Flash Thompson?" He turns around to see my dad and father walking over. "Mr. and Mr. Strange, a pleasure to meet you." Flash smiles putting his nice side forward. "Wish I could say the same, but unfortunately I can't. You will not be able to apply for the intern spot." Father says crossing his arms. "What? Why? I would make the best team." Flash says. "One, you just tried to use someone to get into the program which isn't fair at all and this is all about being fair competition Mr. Thompson. Two, you pick on our daughter a lot which I don't appreciate it so no I will not have that in my business, because how do I know you want be doing that in the business as an intern." Father explains. "My parents are rich." Flash states. "So am I, and my husband, but we don't use that as an excuse to treat people poorly." Dad steps in.

Flash turns around and glares at me. "I'm so g-." He gets caught off by Wyatt growling loudly at him baring teeth and glowing eyes. "You'll do nothing to Brynn, but accept the fact that your actions towards people has consequences and that being rich doesn't mean everything!" Wyatt growls putting his body between mine and Flash and brings his face close to Flash's. Flash backs away and mumbles something about us ruining his chances for this before he officially leaves. Wyatt comes back to his normal self and looks at me sending a wink. Getting out of Willa grasp I walk over to my parents and hug them tightly. "I didn't know you guys we're gonna be here." They smile and kiss my head. "That's what the assemble was, and are you okay?" Father asks pushing my blonde hair back. "Yeah I'm fine." I smile. They nod and look at the wolves for a moment which they are busy talking about stuff. "We'll be staying the rest of the day to answer anyone's questions about the internship, so we'll take you home after your cheer practice." I nod and hug them goodbye so I can get to the rest of my classes.

Going to my last class of the day because the assembly took the other two classes up. Going to my last class I sit down and we just work on a project. The bell rings and I go to cheer practice and see Flash looking at me. "What are you guys doing here?" Flash asks. Turning around I see Wyatt and Wynter standing there with some other wolves. "We want to try cheer." Wynter smiles. "Of course you can!" I say giving a warning look to Flash. He sighs nodding. "Alright let's get started." Flash blows them whistle and Wyatt walks over to me and we start doing the dance while the wolves kinda do their own thing, but it goes well with what we're doing. Smiling Wyatt and another guy lifts me in the air and I do spin and when I land Wyatt catches me. Smiling we look at each other and he gently puts me down. "You guys are all natural cheerleader." I smile. "Thanks!" Wynter smiles standing with her wolf friends. "We wolves work well together." Wyatt smiles leaning close to me. "But I'm not a wolf." I say furrowing my eyes. He hum having a small smirk on his face. We hear coughing and Wyatt immediately gets worried turning around. "Wynter?" He asks getting worried. She continues to cough badly and falls on the ground and her eyes glow, but her necklace turns a sickly green and one of the wolves hold her.

Hearing clapping Flash walks over to us. "Well done Brynn, I'm very impress you. With wolves on our team cheer is in the bag." Flash smiles. "Flash this not about politics. I always thought cheer could be fun and unite." I say. "As much as I don't want to about this, but you will make a great cheer captain." He says. My eyes widen. "I'm gonna be cheer captain." I smile looking at Wyatt. Everyone cheers for me and claps. "The team could move on beyond trophies and start an outreach program." I smile. "Woah, cheer is what I say it's about, and it's about winning." Flash smiles pats Wyatt's shoulder. "Vote for Flash Thompson prom king." He walks away and I sigh looking down.

"You are a leader Brynn. But of something a lot greater then cheer." Wyatt says grabbing my wrist gently.

Oh my god her parents are the best!! And Flash can't sign up for the internship because of how he's been a thing! Finally he get what he deserves! But he did say something nice to Brynn which is a first!! But uh can we give Wyatt a BIG round of applause because he cheered up Brynn and made her feel good about herself!! And I hope Wynter is okay!! Please comment and vote!!

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