Chapter 4

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((A picture of MJ, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds and Brynn Strange!!REMEMBER HER EYES ARE DARK BROWN!!))

Walking around with the guys I keep my hood up and I just listen to what they're talking about. "So Ned, are you gonna come to my house so we can build the LEGO Death Star?" Peter asks. "Yeah, I'm down." Ned smiles. "Awesome!" Peter high fives Ned. Continuing on walking I see Flash with someone and when we pass them he shoved me and I fall in the creek getting all wet and my hood comes off. "Ahahaha Freak." He laughs and I just sigh and get out of the murky water and have Peter and Ned help me. "You okay?" They asks. "Could be better." I mumble try to power my phone and it's broken. "Great, my phone's done for." I groan. They nod slowly. "We better head back to the bus." Ned hums. Nodding we leave and I take my time as I try to get the extra water off me. Pretty much walking by myself I feel like I'm being watched and I stop what I'm doing and look around the woods and see no one. All your imagination Brynn. Pushing my soaking wet hair back I make my way to the bus and see everyone waiting for me. Getting on the bus Flash and his group of friends laugh at me and I just sit in the front. "We should have just left without her." I hear someone say. Sighing I put my hood up and just want today to be over.

The bus ride was longer then it should have been, but it could be because I didn't have my music. Getting off the bus I make my way to the office. "Hi, can I help you?" The lady asks. "Can I use the phone?" I ask. She nods and I go to the back and call Happy. "Hello?" He asks when he answers it. "Hey Happy, it's Brynn." I say. "Hey, what's up?" He asks. "Can you pick me up after school? I'm not staying for cheer practice today." I say pushing my slightly damp, but still very wet hair. "Oh yeah of course I can. I'll see you soon." He says. "Thank you Happy, see you soon." I hang up and go to my locker and grab all my stuff since the final bell is gonna ring. "Hey Brynn, where ya going don't you have cheer practice?" MJ asks with the guys coming over. "No, not anymore. Going home today, I'm not in the mood to be in practice especially with Flash." I sigh. "Come on Brynn, don't let Flash get to you." Ned says. "Yeah, but you're not getting teased by him everyday." I mumble. "She's got a point." Peter says. I nod. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." I shut my locker and hold my duffle bag with my normal school bag and go outside and wait for Happy.

((Brynn's book bag!!))

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((Brynn's book bag!!))

((Brynn's duffle bag!!))

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((Brynn's duffle bag!!))

Sitting on the staircase of the school I wait for Happy. Soon after waiting I see Happy's car pull in. Getting up I open the door throw my stuff in and then get in and plug in. "You okay Brynn?" He asks as he starts driving away. "Yeah I'm fine." I mumble and stare out the window. He nods slowly and continues driving. Finally arriving at home we both get out of the car and I see Dad's car parked. Shrugging it off we walk in the house and I see dad and father standing there talking about something. "Stephen! Tony! I thought you guys were working late today?" Happy asks as he shuts the door. "I got out earlier, so I picked up Tony, and we just got back home." Dad explains. Happy nods. "Thank you for picking up, Brynn." Father smiles. "Of course you guys, anytime." Happy smiles. Ignoring them saying hi to me I go upstairs and throw my bags in my room and slam my door shut. I don't wanna be at school anymore. Sitting on my bed I go on my laptop and start doing homework one of our teachers gave us.

Hearing a knock on my door I originally think don't say anything, but me being raised by great parents didn't. "Come in." I say. The door opens and dad and father walk in and close the door. "What's wrong?" Dad asks. "Nothing's wrong." I answer. "Okay now that's a lie." Father says. "What makes you think that?" I raise an eyebrow. "One, you're completely wet, two you slammed your door which you never do, three you didn't give us a hug or say hi back when you came home, four you're missing cheer practice, and five Happy, said you weren't yourself in the car." Dad explains showing five fingers of the reasons. I nod slowly and put my laptop down. "What happened....why are you wet and why did you call Happy from the school phone?" Father asks sitting next to me.

((A picture of Happy Hogan!!))

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((A picture of Happy Hogan!!))

Flash needs to go away and stop bullying Brynn, because it's getting on my nerves and no one likes a bully!! But on the plus side she has two wonderful dads who care deeply about her!! Please comment and vote!!

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