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HELLOOO! So, i hope i didn't kept you waiting for long, again unlike the last time 😭 Btw, guyss. Keep safe, okay? Wear your masks, eat healthy foods, exercise, wash your hands well, and don't forget, social distancing okay? 😊
Should i start doing an author q&a? Hmm?

Nine's POV

The question and answer portion of the program is now happening.

"Ms. Suttina. Thank you for that wonderful answer." The host bowed and smiled at Joong's partner before turning his attention to him.

"Mr. Aydin. Are you ready?" The host was teasing him, it was so obvious. I rolled my eyes and huffed. He's supposed to be asking THE damn question not flirting with the candidates.

Joong smirked. Oh no.

"Are you?" I covered my ears when the girls started to squeal in their seats and the host was starting to poke his head with the mic. How could he flirt openly like that?!

The host giggled, "Stop. Okay, hush. Mr. Aydin—baby." I gritted my teeth as i watched the host squealing like a high school girl in front of Joong and baby? Eew! "This is the last question. Please, take a step forward." Damn, why is my heart beating so fast again?!

"Okay, your question is.." I fiddled with my fingers and watch how Joong nervously smiled at the audiences. You can do it.

"If you could choose between your happiness and the happiness of others, what would you choose? And why?"

Joong took the mic from the host and took a deep breath before answering, "Thank you. For that question, my answer will be, the happiness of others. Because, to be honest, my happiness is nothing if the people around me are hurting. I would gladly sacrifice my own happiness if it means seeing the smiles plastered on their faces.." he paused for a moment and looked around like—he's trying to find something—or someone.

"Life is not just about living your own, it's also about sharing it to the people around you and making those unforgettable memories together. Because even though i gave up on my happiness, but seeing them happy and filled with joy, then that's more than enough for me." Loud claps and cheeres echoes inside the auditorium. Some people were even shouting and did a standing ovation.

I wanted to cheer for him but..but i couldn't move. I feel like i was floating and the only thing that runs in my head is his words.

Because even though i gave up on my happiness, but seeing them happy and filled with joy, then that's more than enough for me.

"Wow. Thank you for that beautiful answer, Mr. Aydin. You're a handsome and selfless guy. Your partner would be very lucky to have you." The host winked at him and proceeded to go back to the side of the stage. Partner? Girl, he's single!

"Now, it's time for the flower offering event. Candidates, please step forward." All the students in the room begins to stand and held different types and colors of flowers.

"Remember, that the Moon and Star who will receive the maximum number of flowers will win and get the title of...The People's Choice Award." I'm sure Ben already bought Earth a hundred of flowers so that he would win.

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