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Hi guysss, thank you so much for all the votes and commentss hihi. I really appreciate it~ loveyou all ✨

Khob-kun-ka 💛

"Above the sky, i saw my star. Under the sea, i saw a treasure.
In my heart, i found you."

Joong's POV

I deeply sigh and flipped the page i was reading. Why do i feel so sad today? Why am i even in a library? Why am i reading a book? What is happening to me?

"Oi, Joong! What's going on with you? You usually don't accompany me here in the library." Oh right, i decided to accompany Earth for the first time here in the library. Don't get me wrong, i do study. My grades are above average but i just don't like studying here. I prefer studying at home. People sometimes distracts me.

I groaned and bumped my head in the book i was reading, "I don't know." i mumbled.

"Its lunch time. And by this time, you're hanging out with P'Nine. You're my best friend and all but i don't get why you're here." I glanced at Earth, should i tell him? I mean, he is my best friend and he knows me better than myself.

I leaned my back in my chair and crossed my arms, "P'Nine.. is in love with someone else." i whispered and looked down. I don't want anyone else to know how heartbroken i am right now.

Earth's eyes widened, "HA?!" he shouted. Everyone in the library looked at us and placed a finger in front of their mouths. How fantastic.

"Shh! Keep it down!" I told Earth and he bowed to everyone in apology.

"Sorry, i was shocked. But, wait. P'Nine? As in your P'Nine?! Is in love?" my mood dropped down again. I bit my lip and nodded slowly. To be honest, i never expected P'Nine to have a crush on someone. He's just so good at hiding what he really feels that sometimes it's so hard to get to know him better.

We're really different from each other.

"To whom?" He asked. I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"The 1st runner up of the Campus Moon last year. P'Josh." I sigh as i played with the pages of the book. I feel so down. I don't like feeling this way.

Earth ruffled my hair, "Hey, stop pouting. You look ugly." i pouted even more. I don't care if i'm ugly, i just want to be with P'Nine but i can't because i'm so heartbroken right now.

"I don't know what to do, Earth. I'm so confused. You know that P'Nine is the first person i've ever loved--love." I stated. I stopped flipping the pages of the book and hit my head on the table.

Falling in love is getting harder and harder to deal with.

"Why is falling in love like this? He' s my soulmate. But, he tells me he's not. I just want him to accept me." I want to cry. I thought, they said that when you found your soulmate, you will be happy. But, i'm feeling the opposite now.

Earth tapped me on my shoulder, "Oi, Joong. Don't be sad na. If you really love him, then fight for him. Besides, P'Josh already found his soulmate, right? You still have a chance."

I raised my head and sat down properly putting on a determined expression, "I won't give up on him, Earth. I'm just trying to...get used to this. Falling in love this year was not in my to do list. But, i don't regret it. I don't regret that i found P'Nine." i smiled sadly at Earth and he looked at me with sympathy.

So this is how they feel when they say that when you're in love, you will learn how to be selfless.

After a few moments, I stood up, "I'm just gonna go grab a drink, do you want some?" i asked him.

"A lemonade, please." he replied with a small smile. I nodded and turned around walking towards the exit.

I went to look for the snack/drink vending machine. When i got there, there were a few people hanging out and sitting at the ground beside it.

I inserted inside a 20 Baht bill, (A/N: Guys, I don't know how the money works in Thailand so i only put 20 Baht, i'm sorryy)

I pushed the lemonade drink button for Earth, then i put in another 20 baht and pushed the coca cola drink button. Once i got them, i felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and my eyes widened when i saw P'Josh.

I bowed at him, "Sawadee krab, P'"

He smiled and wai back, "Sawadee nong. You're the representative of the Engineering Faculty's campus moon this year, right? Joong Archen?"

I awkwardly nodded, "Yes P'. I guess that's me." I chuckled and gripped the drinks that i was holding tighter.

He's so kind. No wonder P'Nine fell in love with him.

"Alright. I guess, you have been already informed about your practice tomorrow? 3pm at the gymnasium?" He fixed the straps of his bag as he waited for my answer. I can see from the corner of my eyes, that people were already starting to stare at P'Josh. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Uh, yes P'. P'Nam already informed me earlier this morning." I replied.

"That's good, then my work here is done. Goodluck nong!" he taps my shoulder again and squeeze it reassuringly. Then, he sent me a small smile before he walks away.

I turned my back and quickly walk back to the library. P'Josh is really everyone's ideal man. Compared to him, i'm just.. a nobody.

"Joong! Joong!" I stopped in my track when i heard my name being shouted by a familiar voice. I know that voice too well.

I smiled widely and turned around once again. There, I saw him running towards me with books being carried by his arms. I waited until he's in front of me trying to catch his breath.

I chuckled as i handed him my coca cola drink after opening it, "Here, P'. Drink this. You shouldn't run like that, you might tripped and fall......for me." i bit my lip as i tried not to laugh when i saw how P'Nine glared at me.

He snatched the drink from me and took a sip from it, "Thanks." he said.

At that moment, my heart beat started to race in a inhumane pace. What--what did he just say?

"Y-you.. What did you say P'?" I stuttered.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "I said, thanks? Why what's wrong with that?"

I felt the blush on my cheeks getting warmer, I grinned and clutched my heart, "P', stop. I might get a heart attack by how fast my heart is beating."

He rolled his eyes and smacked my shoulder, "Stop it, joong. Not funny."

I laugh and followed what he said, "Why did you call me P'? Did you missed me? Because, i did. So much." i tried to act cute by pouting but of course it's P'Nine. It won't work. I'm just so happy that he's here.

His expression changed from annoyed to being... shy?

"Uh-uhmm. I saw you talking to Josh earlier. Are you two close?" oh. Ohh. Of course. I chuckled internally. Why am i so stupid? It's not about me. It will never be about me.

Stop fvcking getting your hopes up, joong. He doesn't like you.

I smiled forcefully, "N-no. He was just telling me something about the campus moon and star event, P'." i breathe in and out trying to contain the tears from falling. No. Please. Not now.

P'Nine bit his lip and then, I was shocked when he showed me a genuine smile. He--he never smile at me like that. He's so beautiful. Too beautiful.

"Oh, i thought--nevermind. Thank you, joong. See you." And just like that, he turns around.

As I watched his figure walks away, i let my tears fall.

"If loving you will hurt this much, P. Then, it's okay. As long as i get to see you smile like that. I'm okay."

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