Chapter 55

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Ellison Taylor

Ian was dozing off on the couch while I was working on my computer.

"Come." I said standing up. "I think you should go to bed, I'll cover you up."

"What about you?" He said rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"I just have to send some emails out. You can go to bed, first." I said and pull him to my temporarily room.

"Good night." I said tugging the blanket on him and kissed his lip before his forehead.

He 'hmm' and close his eyes. He fell asleep just like that. I guess he was too tired to stay awake. I work for another hour before going back to the room. He was sound asleep on one side. I took off my indoor shoe and climb on the other side of the bed. I looked at him and couldn't help but smile, he look so beautiful right now. I realized this is the first time we are sharing bed. I laid down and turned my body to face him to look at him. I drank in his beautiful features before falling asleep.

The next morning, both Ian and I was tangled to each other. I groaned when I moved my stiff neck. I sat up and stretched to take my phone from the bedside table. It was 7:26 am, it's still early and I wanted to go back to sleep. A sound from the outside made me change my plan and I got up from the bed and went for the washroom. Couple of minutes later after I brushed my teeth and showered. I walked out of the room only to find Cooper casually walking around the kitchen with bed hair and naked from the top. He was just in his boxer.

"Sorry, Can you put on some clothes?"I asked.

"Sorry, Ell." He said tired. "I just came out to brew some coffee." He yawned. I went to open the fridge.


"That will be great." He said.

I decided to make avocado salmon toast.

"You do know that Ian hates salmon." He said casually and I stopped midway cutting the avocados.

"Since when?"

"Since as a child." He said.

"He had it with me like years back." I blinked my eyes.

"Huh? Did he change his mind? Make it and we'll see if he eats again." Cooper said suddenly very interested. "I'm going to get ready and come out to help you."

"Sure." I said.

I took note of the quietness and kind of liking it when Ian walked out with messy bed hair, but he still look handsome.

"I was looking for you." He said when he saw me in the kitchen. "I'll join you in a moment."

Cooper walked out of the room just in time I finished mixing the avocados with ingredients. He helped me make toast while I fried some eggs. Ian came out in his newly fresh clothing, he was in a T-shirt and jeans and barefoot.

"Goodnight, beautiful." He said and kiss me on the lip quickly before pouring himself a glass of water.

"How may I help?" He asked.

"Can you set the table up, please?"

"Sure." He said. He struggled to look for the cutleries but managed somehow. He helped me spread the guac on the toast. Cooper went to wake Claire up.
I made two different toast- one with eggs and the other is salmon and I watched his reaction with salmon. Even if he hated that, he didn't show it.

I pour orange juices in four tall glasses while Ian put our plates down.

"You like salmon?" I ask cautiously.

"I'm fine with it." He give me a smile.

Claire comes out looking grumpily tired.

"Thanks for the breakfast." She looked at all of us.

"No worries, your honour." Ian said with sarcasm.

We all sat down to eat, Ian went for the egg toasts first and was talking about his trip to Australia. That must have been a tiring trip after all from Georgia to Australia.

"What did you guys do?" He asked.

"Nothing much." Cooper said. "At least, not for me. I have to work, but I think they had fun."

"So much fun." I said.

Ian's smiled at me. "What are you guys doing today?"

"They wanted to roam by themselves today. They are leaving tomorrow's midnight."

"Sounds cool." He said. "What you want to do today?"

I looked thoughtful. "I don't have any plans in my mind, actually."

"Great. We can go to my place and you can help me redecorate some stuffs." He said.

"Like what?"I asked.

"Well, you will see." He smiled.

"Do you want to go shopping?" Claire asked Cooper who shrugged. "Anything you want." He smiled.

"You don't like the toast?" I asked looking at his salmon toast.

"It's delicious." He said and give me a small smile and went for the salmon toast. He took a small bite and give me the same blank look, he give me years back when I made salmon for us. I shake my head, as I took the toast from him and exchanged it with my egg toasts.

"If you don't like it, you should tell me about it." I said and he sighed and looked at Cooper who raised his hands in defensive.

"Don't give me that look.I thought you already told her."

"That's so adorable. You are not a picky eater when it comes to her cooking." Claire said in awe.

"I'm not a picky eater!" Cooper pointed out and all we could do was laugh. We had a fun time during breakfast. Claire said she will do the dishes and Cooper said she will help her.

"When do you want me to meet your cousin?" He asked while giving me a back hug.

"I had a change in my mind." I said turning to look at him as I wrapped my arm around his neck. "I don't want her to get the satisfaction of seeing you."

He smiled, "I don't want to meet her." He kissed me gently. "I don't like how she make you feel uncomfortable."

"I know." I said with a frown and he quickly give me a kiss on my forehead.

"Don't frown too much." He said. "You'll get wrinkle." I gasped at his joke.

"But I'll still love you, no matter what." He swiftly added and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Your laugh is so contagious." He said.

"I feel that about you." I said. He give me an amused look and I return with a shy smile.

"Come, you can pack your stuffs. We can go to my place." He said.

"What if I want to come back here?" I joke.

"Now, do you?" He give me an amused look.

I give him a shrug and he started tickling me.

"No." I said in between laughs and giggles. He threw his head back and laugh. Oh, how I like having cheerful Ian. I hope everything will go fine between us.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers. Next update for this book is this evening. Thank you!

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