Chapter 7

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Ellison Taylor

"What's wrong?" Claire asked during our recess. "You seem a little weird today?"

"I hid something from you." I started panicking "I'm sorry about that okay? I was worried about you."

"What is it?" She give me a look.

"Ian told me that Cooper doesn't know yet that you like him." And I quickly added an apology and waited for her respond.

There was a brief silent follow by her sigh. "It really doesn't matter Elli." She started. "Although I am upset you hid it from me, but I think it is best that I move on. We are different in so many ways and I knew that one day I had to move on from him because it was leading me nowhere. I am just another girl who have a crush on him." She shrugged. "And I don't regret having a crush on him, but it's time to move on."

"I'm sorry Claire.I found out yesterday and I came to your place to tell you, but then I see you getting ready to move on and I didn't want to hold you back."

"I know, but maybe next time you can still let me know." She chuckled.

She took it rather well than I expected. Throughout the whole day, people complimented her for her new look.

"I should give Cooper some credits." She joked.

"Very well." I said.

Ian walked towards us, casually. He seemed casual, but his eyes told otherwise. He was calculating and cautious as he approached us.

"Nice look." He said to Claire.

"Thanks." She thanked him, awkwardly.

"I just need to borrow your friend for a moment." He cautiously asked. I would have never imagined him being like this before.

"Why?" She asked.

"She was assigned to help me with something." He give me a look, almost pleading me to support him.

It was fun to see him struggling like that, but I feel him. When Claire is angry, you don't want to go near her.

"Yes." I agreed with him and I instantly see him somewhat relieved at my responds.

Claire was confused, but none the less agreed and said she will meet me in the cafeteria later.

"What?" I asked when she left.

"What is with her new look?" He whispered.

"She is going through new me thing after you teased her." I said sighing.

"Am I suppose to feel guilty about this?"

"Yes you should be." I nodded my head. "Words carries a lot of responsibilities, so you better watch your mouth from now onwards."

"Noted." He said as he swung his arm around me and started leading me somewhere.

"What are you doing?" I asked. All eyes was on us.

His brown eyes held mischief as he lead me to our next class. I moved his arm away, but he instantly put it back.

"What are you doing after school?" He asked.

I have to go for my part time work, but he doesn't need to know that. "Just have to do something." I said.

He raised one of his eyebrow, questioning me. "Like what?"

"Like teach some of you about space." As I twisted his arm.

He was horrified as he cried out in pain. Some students who was walking passed us, chuckled but when they saw his glare. They quickly shut their mouth.

"Hope you enjoyed the class and will keep it in mind." I said.

"Maybe I need more classes." He smiled, arrogantly.

"Then I have to inform Mrs. Zhou about how her class is in vain for you as you are not applying in life." Mrs. Zhou is our what this school calls, mannerism class. It teaches you manners on how to sit, walk and carry yourself in front of the world. She is quite scary and do her work with utmost seriousness.

"I'm her favourite student." He smiled.

"Of course you are." I give him a smug look as I walked inside the classroom. I was glad to see the two space beside me was filled by my usual classmate who gawked at the guy following behind me.

"Later Collins." I said bye to him.

It took him just one glance and the guy sitting beside me stood up with his things and stammered as he spoke to him, "Y-you can have my seat."

Ian Collins, had the audacity to give me a smug look as he sat down on the chair beside me and I give him an annoyed look.

"Trust me, you will appreciate me for being around you." He said as he stretched in his place.

Before I could question him, our teacher walks in. He look moody today, and that's when everyone know that today is not the day to stress him up with our attitude.

The day went by quicker with Ian following me everywhere I go. Claire jokingly called Ian 'a lost puppy' to which he corrected her and said. "Handsome puppy." And I scrunched my nose in disgust. They are getting along pretty well despite the last time they spoke in the Gym.

El and Cooper met with us during lunch. Cooper tried to sit beside Claire and she quickly took the chance to talk to El or any of us apart from him. Cooper pouted at the side because it was very obvious that she was avoiding him and I think he realized that now. Late reaction, but oh well at least he realized that now.

After school ended, he still followed me around. "You don't have anything else to do?" I asked as we walked towards the exit.

"I have football practice."

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Okay then, I will get going."

"You better." I grinned.

"You are way too happy to send me away." He pouted.

"Well, because you were following me around the whole day and let's not forget we all need some space."

"Maybe someday you will hate this space." He grinned. "And I will tease you forever about this!"

I have no idea what he was talking about, but shrugged and walked away.

"See you later, peanut." He shouted and I groaned in annoyance.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please add this book to your reading list or library if you haven't yet. Thank you for all your support in all my books❤️ to the readers who was with me all along with all my books. You guys are the best 😭😭 thank you for all your support throughout. Next update will be on Thursday! Happy New Year Everyone!🎉🍾🥂

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