Chapter 34 - So, I Did A Thing (Peyton)

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Find you by Ruelle
I was at Oscar's, waiting for Hale. I laced up my shoes and started my stretches.

Hale was already dressed in when she walked in, a tall guy almost Lev's age, he looked of Latin descent like Oscar, bumped into her and they started talking.

My mouth dropped open when I saw Hale laugh, like a full-on face redding, body-shaking laugh, the actual joy in her eyes.

She looked at me and it was all gone.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head dazed.

"Nothing I've just never seen you display the human emotion of joy, I didn't think it was in your programming," I told her in all seriousness.

She glowered at me and held up her middle finger.

"There it is, there is the humorless robot I have for a sister," I grinned.

The guy beside her narrowed his eyes and looked between us.

"This is one of her sisters Mariposa?" he asked Hale.

I noted the nickname to tease Hale about later.

Hale nodded and gestured at me.

"Yeah, this is my sister, Peyton. I've been teaching her self-defense," Hale explained then motioned to the guy. "Peyton this is Ian, he was my foster brother for a while, Oscars nephew,"

Ian nodded his head at me.

"It's nice to me you Peyton. I'll talk to you later, enjoy your training," He greeted and said goodbye.

Once he was out of earshot I looked to Hale with wide eyes.

"You've never mentioned him before," I stated, and gave her a look that told her I expected details.

She rolled her eyes and set down her duffle bag.

"You do this to me on purpose, keeping things from me," I squinted at her.

A grin started to spread on her face as she walked past me.

"I like the way it drives your mind crazy,"

I glared at her as if I could burn a hole into her head.

"Oh stop your glaring and follow me,"

I grinned at her and bounced to my feet.

"So what are we working on today?" I asked, back in good spirits.

"Something new," Hale instructed a hint of a smile on her lips.

We walked near the back, where the restrooms were. Hale stopped in front of an elevator, I hadn't noticed it before.

There was only a down arrow.

"Hale where are we going?" I bit at my bit, uneasy.

"Just shush, and trust me," Hale laughed as she ushered me into the possible unstable death ride.

The elevator surprisingly delivered us safely to the floor. It opened to a darkly lit room. The floor was red and in the center was a squared taped out in white.

The walls were littered with diffrent types of weapons.

Swords, staffs, bows, and arrows, numb chucks, spears and so much more, some I didn't even recognize, not that I was exactly an expert in this sort of stuff.

"I thought that you might want to find a weapon for yourself,"

I turned to her smiling, adrenaline roared through my veins.

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