Chapter 23 - A New Kind Of Therapy (Peyton)

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Control - Garbage

Days passed by in a blur, everything passed by so fast, between the magic training, the physical training and keeping up with my family, time seemed so forgotten, School was starting up again soon, which seemed so unimportant now.

Auggie was sitting on my bed playing with the stuff on my nightstand as I got ready for a training session with

He sighed and tossed whatever he was playing with back on the dresser.

"Peyton! There's someone here for you!" Mom called from the front door.

I grimaced, Hale would be here soon, and I don't know how Auggie will react to a stranger coming in through the window.

Actually, he would probably try to befriend her.

I zipped up my sweatshirt and made my way to the front door.

My stomach lurched.

Hale was standing at my front door, carrying on a conversation with my mom.

She was barely recognizable.

Jeans, sneakers, a simple tee, her eyes were touched with makeup, her hair pulled up into a bun. She looked so mundane compared to her normal look of dark misfit.

I was so used to her dark, intimidating look, but now she looked like any other girl from school.

"Sweetie?" Mom asked rubbing my shoulder. "You've never told me Hale was taking you to the gym?"

"Oh-uh I guess I forgot. We should get going," I urged.

Hale nodded, keeping a pleasant look on her face.

"Let me grab my shoes," I sighed.

Mom followed me to the kitchen.

"She's so nice , where did you meet her?"

Hale, nice? I snorted.

Quick think.

"Our parents knew each other,"

Oh no, not the right answer.

"What?" she snapped in a low whisper, her body went tense with shock.

Well shit.

"Uhh," I didn't have an answer.

"You're looking for your birth parents?"

She sounded hurt, really hurt.

I clenched my jaw hoping to keep the stupid in.

"Mom we can talk about this later, I have to go. Later, I promise,"

I dashed out of the kitchen and dragged Hale out of the apartment.

"Hey what's going on?" Hale asked yanking away from me.

"Why didn't you come in from the window?" I snapped.

"Because your neighbors are nosy and have been complaining about someone using the fire escape to sneak in. It's in the newspaper. Now wanna tell me what's got you jumping out of your skin?"

I gave out a long frustrated sigh.

"I just accidentally told my mom that I've been looking into my heritage,"

"You mean the big secret we aren't supposed to tell anyone because if anyone heard where we are Edward would find us and force us to give our magic so he can become the most powerful warlock and enslave everyone and get rid of humans. You told your mom that secret?" Hale asked sarcastically.

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