Chapter 33 - Life Was Easier When I Didn't Care About Others (Hale)

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Six Shooter by PKFyre

Jade had been excused from school until she was ready to come back, it was hard not to have her around. She was in most of my classes, scheduled that way so she could help me. The past few days without her had been rough. Public school was odd and discomfortable. Even when I was in foster care as a child I had been homeschooled. This building was like a zoo and I had somehow gotten trapped in.

Of course, I had attended classes at the academy, math and English, basic science and history, more as a preteen though, before I left they were teaching me more about preparing for becoming an adult women. How to control my emotions and dress. That being said I did the opposite of every lesson.

It was annoying and repetitive but it was normal. Calculus was not normal, it was hard and frustrating, as was chemistry and the countless essays for English, the endless electives were long and tiresome. I'd been lucky I wasn't too far beyond my peers in credits and with my current jammed packed schedule, I was on track to graduate in the spring. Yet I was under an almost unbearable amount of stress that made me want to punch the walls until the school was nothing but rubble.

"Miss Woods?" Mr. Ivan, my history teacher asked, slowly turning to face me.

My heart thudded and I looked up at the board to find a clue to what he was talking about.

"Sorry what was the question?" I choked out, biting at my lip.

He gave a disapproving look but repeated his question.

"How long did World War two last?"

I looked down at my notebook, racking my brain I knew it was somewhere in my chicken-scratch notes.

"Umm, seven years sir?" I guessed when I decided it was taking too long, still flipping through my notes.

"A very good guess, but the correct answer is six. Now that wraps up our recap, onto notes. Since I'm such an amazing teacher I have prepared a movie that I am expecting you to take notes on,"

I flipped to a new page in the notebook and slumped over the desk, the lead already on the paper.

Peyton laughed as she approached the lunch table, which I was laying my head on trying to squeeze in a quick nap.

"Rough day?" She giggled taking the seat next to Ryker.

"Rough week. I have five different projects due in two days! How have you guys done this for years?" I grumbled into the table.

Ryker counted each point on his fingers.

"The two P's. Practice and procrastination. Something about the adrenaline of doing your work last minute just makes you really focus,"

"The only time I have is last minute," I grumbled and picked my head up off the table.

Ryker laughed and reached into his bag and pulled out a peach pink can decorated with butterflies.

"Here, you look like you need this more than I do,"

He handed it to me and I took it.

"What is it?" I asked looking at it.

"An addiction," Peyton muttered, leaning back in her chair.

Ryker scowled at her.

"It's an energy drink, it should get you the power to get through the rest of the day.

"Well cheers to that," I popped the lid open and knocked it against Ryker's open juice.

Peyton grinned at me, opening her silverware.

Blood and Magicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें