Chapter 2 - All It Takes Is One Second For Life To Screw You (Jade)

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Can't Stop Dancing - Becky G

"Dad come on! You're going to be late for work!" I yelled knocking - well more like pounded - on his door.

"I'm up, I'm up," He grumbled from the other side.

I went back to my room and packed up my dance bag.

I walked down the hall into the bathroom and pulled my dark brown hair into a bun. I changed into my leotard and a pair of thin yoga pants.

My neck was bare, reminding me of my necklace.

"Hey, Dad?" I called walking over toward his door.

"Yes annoying child?" He answered opening the door a crack.

I gave him a smirk.

"Did you get the knot of my necklace?"

"Yes, give me a second,"

He shut the door and I could hear his footsteps. He came back with my necklace untangled. He motioned for me to turn around and I did. He secured it around my neck and it felt much better. It was just an amethyst crystal, but I've had it since birth and I felt naked without it.

"Happy Birthday lovebug,"

"Thanks, Dad," I gave him a hug and breathed him his sent, aftershave and smoke. Dad was a firefighter, I was left at the station when I was a baby, it was his first day.

"I won't be home till late, but I have the day off tomorrow. We can do something then,"

I shrugged and gave him a smile.

"Ok, sounds good,"

"You should get going or you will be late,"

I checked the time and my heart started to beat faster.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and gathered my stuff quickly. I yelled bye as I left.


Summer in Seattle was nothing but blistering heat, no amount of time could get you used to it. I was relieved when I entered the studio and was hit by a blast of cold air.

I'd been going here since I was a kid. I knew every instructor and been in almost every program.

"Jade! There you are, come on. You know we are a week from regionals," Ms.Cross instructed when she saw me.

I slipped off my shoes and traded them for my ballet slippers.

I'd been working on this routine for five months.

Ms. Cross wanted me to display a story as I danced.

So for the past few months I been listening to Night Riots breaking free. I knew every lyric, yet I still enjoyed the song. I wanted to soak in every emotional lyric.

I took center stage and got in position, and waited for the music to start. As the notes started to play I let my body take over. Letting go and moving to the music. My feet moved swiftly carrying my body with them. Trying to interpret the emotion of the song. Gliding through the moments gracefully.

The song faded away and I heard Ms.Cross clapping.

"Beautiful, just beautiful Jade!"

I was breathing strong and took a sip of water.

"I actually have a gift for you," Ms.Cross commented as I sat down next to her.

"You did?" I asked surprised.

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