"Gavin."  I replied.

Amelia didn't hide her cringe. "Gavin's cool, a little homely but dude is a chill." Amelia explains.

"Why don't you train me." She said innocently.

Amelia smiled and shrugged.  "I would but I don't have anyone to cover my shift."

They both made eye contact with me. The pressure was real. "I can have you and Gavin switch." I suggest forcefully.

Miranda claps in excitement. "Thank you! I think I'd feel more comfortable with an Amelia."  The last part of her sentence seemed flirty.

I roll my eyes and smile. "Great I'll let Gavin know and let you two get to it." I say and I start to walk away before I become liable for whatever they said or did.

After cleaning the puke off of the carousel, I went to the office to catch up on paperwork. I feel like I'm always fighting to stay ahead. Good thing I have tomorrow off.

I sat at my desk taking a moment to rest, and get the aroma of puke out of my nose. I'm pretty sure I lost dopamine from the smell.

"What's up," I felt to hands go on my eyes and I immediately reacted. My whole body jumped and fight or flight kicked in. I swung my arm to hit only air. "Woah! Clam down Nia."  He hands where now in the air.

"You scared me!"

"Sorry, just having a little fun." He sat on top of my desk patting my shoulder. "So what you want to do tonight?"

Confused and half aware. I rolled my eyes "What?"

"It's Friday! I'm supposed to take you in a date."

"Or, and hear me out on this, we could work overtime and finish the filing for the week."

"That sounds boring." He sighed.

"It's what your paid to do Walker. Listen, I'm letting you off the hook for this Friday." I couldn't be bothered with this today.

"Really?" He seemed skeptical.

"Yup! Bye." I rushed pasted him and went to the filing desk. I pulled the employee files out and placed all of Miranda info inside. 

"Miranda? As in Miranda your  bestie?" He spoke behind me. I didn't even see him follow me.

"Is there a problem? She had open availability. She's a good worker."

"Oh I'm sure she is, I'm just shocked dad hired her, probably thought she attract more business."

"Gross." I pushed passed him back to my desk.

He turned and looked at me. "I mean all the girls who work here are pretty. Epically you." He defended horribly.


He chuckled at me. "You know what,  I am taking you out tonight. I mean rules are rules." He shrugged as if it was outta his hands.

"I made the rules."

"Exactly! What type of example are you breaking the standard of a relationship that you set."

"Don't get all smart with me." I took a beat and came to a conclusion I never thought I would; He was right. "Fine."

"Cool meet me after work. No overtime." He gave me a stern finger and smile.  I nodded.

"Good. See you then."
He left the office smiling.


Checking in on Miranda training, I'm pretty sure everything going very well the way her and Amelia were chuckling. I slowly creep up to her booth, "how's it going ladies." I ask.

They both look my way, Miranda smiling at me. "Oh things are great."

I nod in response. "Great! Any winners?"

She shook her head. "No, this game is kinda impossible."

Amelia nods her head. "These games basically pay for themselves 10 fold, it's a scam."
She said as customers were walking past.

I frown. "How about not bad mouthing the booth in front of customers."  I suggest but it wasn't really a suggestion.


"Okay ladies, ima let you guys get back to it, I'll be back later."

They both go back talking almost immediately. I shake my head.

I know that I constantly live inside my head. Always over thinking and assuming things but I can't but get the vibe Miranda had a crush. Which she had a Crush almost every other week. Honestly I had bigger fish to fry than M and her dating prospect. Like my date with Nathan, fake date! Ugh.

One things for sure I gotta feeling I'm gonna regret some decisions.

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