We played a movie in the TV, but we all were more focus on talking. I wish he was here. It would have been fun.

Cooper and El left around 10 pm. Claire and I tidied the space up while talking about what we were planning to do..

"Brent said he will take them out tomorrow, so you can stay here." She said. "I think you need some time off from her."

"I guess so too." I said as I shoved the garbage in the bag.

"I hope she realizes what she is doing is something very upsetting."

"I doubt she will realize that anytime soon." I said. "But I hope she does."

The next day, Claire went out to "help Brent" but I doubt it's helpful. Claire is very hostile towards Marilyn. She put Marilyn into her place and I think that's why Brent called Claire. The whole morning, I did my office work- made some calls here and there, approved some work and check back with staffs.

Around 5:35 pm, someone rang the doorbell. I wasn't expecting anyone, so when I peeped to check who it was. I couldn't help but smile as I opened the door. Ian was in his business suit, his hair look messy and eyes tired.

"Hey beautiful." He give me a wide smile and I give him a tight hug.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Tired, long flight." He sighed.

"Come in." I said as I pulled him in and lock the door behind us. He looked at the apartment and said, "It definitely brings out Claire's personality."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"You make it much more beautiful." He said and pulled me in for another hug. "I missed you." He sighed.

"I missed you too."

"I came straight from the airport."

"You should go home, then?"

"Come with me?" He asked, surprising me by the invitation.

"Claire will be home soon to get ready for her date with Cooper."

He scowled a bit.

"I want to be here for her, she wanted me to help her get ready."

"Can I take some rest here?" He asked.

"I doubt Claire will mind."

"Good." He said and called someone. "Bring my bag up." And ended the call.

"Hello Joe." I peeked and said a quick greeting when I saw him.

"Ms.Taylor." He give me a quick greeting.

"I'll go and take a shower." He said.

"Okay, I'll make some dinner for us."

"I think take outs would be more convenient, your friend will be here."

"Right. What would you like?"

"Maybe some Chinese take outs?"

"Okay." I said and give him a smile.

"I'll be back." He said and give me a quick kiss.

Claire did in fact came few minutes later, grumping about Marilyn.

"Thanks for putting up with everything." I said.

"No worries, I'm excited to go out with Cooper. He's coming to pick me up at 8. I'm going to take a shower." She said walking in. "Is anyone here?" She asked looking at Ian's shoes.

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