Chapter 13

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Woah! All of you guys wanted the update, sorry! I've been busy with work and such. But finally her is your update! I can't thank you enough for everything! It means the world. But here's the new chapter.  If you have any ideas don't be afraid to message me and what not! 

ALSO! I wanted to make another fan fiction. Maybe a Jack Frost one? Help me figure out ideas! It'd mean the world. 

 Enjoy lovelies xoxo♥


Amnesia- 5 Seconds Of Summer♥♥♥♥( PERFECT SONG FOR THIS OMFG)

Every Breaking Wave- U2 

Cat's pov 

While I lay in the hospital bed with Jack. In the dead silence.

I can't help but think of what Ember said to me. 

The same words playing over and over in my head. 

"Those dream's you're having are Danny". 

Those words are making me mad. She knows who the boy is and I don't. 

I should and want to know who this Danny kid is and making me feel like he is the one for me. 

Should I ask Jack who he is? I shouldn't, that'd make me a bad girlfriend dreaming about some random kid I don't even know. 

Sadly I'm laying in this bed next to him thinking those words that she said. 

"Are you okay?" I look up and Jack and I nodded my head up and down and look down at the snowflake necklace I've been playing with for the last hour being in here. 

"Have you had a dream that you just can't put a thought on everything that is going on. And it seems like it's so real. Like it actually happened?" I blurted out. I felt his body shift a little bit uncomfortably next to me. 

"Never mind. I probably sound silly." I tell him, he just looks at me and his pale face that has some  dark purple-blue bruises on it. 

But he still looked beautiful and peaceful like he always does.

He just looked into my green eyes and looked down at his hands, "Where'd that come from?" he asks. I just shrug my shoulders and grab his hand and hold it.

"I just wanted to know so I thought I wasn't going mad." I chuckle a little bit. 

He snuggles his head into the crook of my neck and places a small kiss and hums. 

"You're not going mad. If it's anyone it's that Phantom kid. He doens't know how to keep his hands off of you. He needs to learn that you're mine and only mine.". 

I felt goose bumps rise against my skin. That terrified me. That Phantom boy never did any harm to me. 

Well only that time. But he seemed to care for me, and we have a strong attraction to each other. 

It's not like an attraction that Jack and I have. This attraction was much different. It was more on an emotional level. Like I was attached to him some how. I know I keep thinking that, but it's the truth. 

All of us know it. 

I nodded my head answering his statement from before. 

" It's late love. You should go get some rest." he tells me, "Your father might be worried. Just be careful. I'll have Frostbite watch you. A very good close eye on you."

I get out of the bed and hug him a lightly, not enough to hurt him. He pulled my chin upwards and kissed me with his freezing lips.

Still I felt nothing. 

I turn around before I left and smiled a little bit and turned around and I was met with Frostbite. 

"Winterrose. The village has been worried about you." he smiled, "So have I. What has been going on with this darkness. I hope it hasn't worried you.". I smiled because they were worried about me. 

I couldn't blame them, I felt tired emotionally, and probably looked exhausted too. 

"The village has nothing to worry about, for me and the darkness. Vlad said it's been spreading like crazy. But I know for a fact, that we can beat it." I tell him. 

"You are so brave Princess. You're father is very proud of you." he tells me. I shake my head back and forth laughing. 

If he only knew how scared I was. I don't think we can beat the darkness this time. It can be anyone or anything. Even someone who we love the most. And that terrifies me. 

Danny's pov 

After countless of bickering between Ember and I, she did have a point. 

If Cat finds out, her little heart can't take it. She can't take it anymore. 

The damage I've caused her. 

Hell I caused her to go to Jack Frost the Snow Boy for crying out loud. Him out of all people.

He was the one who I had to get rid of the most. 

The scary sad part of this, is she's still having dreams of us before all of this damage. 

That means she still has a chance of remembering. I just need to figure out how. 

I don't want this darkness anymore, I don't want to feel evil. Having an evil army to take over Ghost Zone for good. 

But a part of me wants this power. I want this power for me, to give and get everything I ever wanted. 

They say that love conquers all. 

It did the last time, can it this time? 

I just miss her small body next to mine, her kisses, her laughs. 

Just everything Jack gets to do. But I had her first. 

Her heart is mine and it always will be, even if he says it doesn't. 

So I've decided to find her and sit next to her and talk to her. 

I enter the dark room, I sit on the floor next to her bed, sadly she wasn't up. 

She looked tired, did I cause this to her? 

I need to fix us, this whole situation. Even though he's going to kill me. It will be worth it in the end.

I put a piece of her red hair behind her ear and touched her face softly.

"Our love will always be there and unbreakable."

Love Me, Till I'm Me Again. (Sequel to I'm in Love With a Ghost. Danny Phantom)Where stories live. Discover now