Chapter 19.

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Hiiiii loveeeesssss♥ here's the new chapter everyone was waiting for. I didn't think a lot of people read chapter 18.  But finallyyyy a new update, also. I need help figuring out what I'm doing after this fan fiction cause I don't think there's much left. Maybe another Danny or a Jack Frost? I don't know. But give me some ideas. But here you go loves. Thank you for reading, voting and sticking around when I haven't been updating. I love you all.♥♥ xoxoxo


Terrified- The Rural Alberta Advantage 

Disarm: The Smashing Pumpkins

Cat's pov:
"Pitch." I hear myself whisper before looking at Danny and he squinted at his eyes at the dark man that stood in front of us. I look back at Jack and his bright blue eyes focused on the darkness. 

"I never thought Danny and Cat would find their way back to each other. I always thought Jack would grow up, and keep her forever. How does it feel not to be wanted Jack? And how does it feel that your girl left you again!" he chuckled before flying towards us. 

"What do you want?!" I yell at him, "You're ghost right there and I want to rule Ghost Zone.  But now, you have him wrapped around your little finger. He works for me." he smirked, "Also, I never thought you'd remember the poor boy.". "I will always remember him. You're darkness has no control over us anymore." I growl. 

Pitch let out a dark chuckle before looking at Danny. Danny's eyes were still changing, like he was deciding between good or evil.  I was hoping he was going to choose good. 

"Vlad get him away from all of this." I push Danny towards Vlad, he gladly took Danny and flew him into the castle. "Jack, go get all of the villagers inside." I tell him. 

He looked at me hesitantly, "Please Jack, don't let them get hurt because our poor decisions.", "I'm not leaving you here with him by yourself." Jack whispered before grabbing my hand in his cold one. I shook out my hand from his and gave him a stern look, "Please. Save them." my voice raised. He quickly nodded his head before flying quickly away from us. 

"You're such a protector. Don't you know that. But sadly, that will all come to an end." he looked at the end of his fingernails like he was unimpressed of what was going to happen. I felt blue orbs come out of the palm of my hands and hit him right in his stomach, that sent him flying back. 

He quickly gained his balance and he flew towards me, sending his dark horse creations he had made out of his dark powder he magically appeared out of his hand. "You will not win. Evil will never win." I fly towards the creation and blasted it. 

"Oh honey, but at least I know what your fears are in life." he chuckled before grabbing a hold of my wrist, and he looks deep in my eyes with his golden eyes. I turn my head before he could even try to look into my blue eyes. I know my deepest fears, and they all came true. Nothing he could show me could stop myself for getting rid of him forever. 

"Let go of her Pitch." I hear someone's voice that was behind him, it was Danny and Jack floating side by side. I was shocked by the two of them working together. 

Danny's once red eyes, are now green. Their not changing back and forth. The real Danny was back. And the real Jack that I had as a best friend was back. We could do this. We can take down Pitch. All of us. 

I look up at him and sent a shock through his body, but that didn't stop him. He just let out a dark, and loud laugh.  This couldn't be good. I knew my darkest fears were coming true, I could face them. But could Danny and Jack fight them?

Jack's pov 

"Jack. I know who you want. I know what you need. You need her. Just remember who she was. Just think Frost Boy." Pitch looked deep into my eyes. 

"Jack!" Cat squealed while we were flying into the sky, "Come on slow poke." I chuckle feeling the cold air blowing in my face. This is what I always wanted. I wanted her, and I had her. "Gotcha" she whispered before jumping on my back. 

But then the calm deep blue that was in the sky grew dark, with thick gray fog filling up the air. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't see Cat that was right in front of me. "Jack. What is going on." Cat's cried became louder, I shot into the sky to make things brighter. 

But my powers made everything worse. 

Then the sky cleared up, but Cat was missing. She was gone, she was right here a second ago. I suddenly hear soft crying that was behind me,while holding her side tightly. "You let me down Jack. You were supposed to protect me. Now I'm hurt because of you." she cried before letting go of her side quickly. 

I saw what I've done, her side was bleeding. I've done the same thing that Danny had done, but worse. She was losing a lot of blood before I could grab her she disappeared. She was gone. 

I'm alone. 

I was always alone. 

When I died, I was alone, no one saved me. Sam didn't stay with me. Cat didn't even stay with me. 

I was alone. I can't grip that around that my finger, I"m alone and I will always be alone. 

I feel myself crash towards down on the ground and watch my staff fall and shower and my powers are gone. And I'm slowly slipping away. 

I let out a loud yell making all the snow on the ground lifting up and creating a big blizzard in front of my eyes. 

I'm a natural disaster, how foolish of I to think that I will ever found love. 

I slowly feel darkness slip in and I never thought I was going to let darkness win, I gave my word to Sandman I would never let darkness win. 

I need to fight this, or he will win. 

He will never win. 

Because brightness will overpower Darkness. 

IDK how I feel about this chapter..... 

Love Me, Till I'm Me Again. (Sequel to I'm in Love With a Ghost. Danny Phantom)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora