Chapter 21

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Helloooo loves! I'm sorry for the reallllyyy late update. I love you guys so much! I've just been busy with work now. Oh well haha. Welllll here's the new update. I hope it's worth it and I think this book is almost done. Idk what to do after any suggestions? :C. But anywhoo there will be spelling errors because I got this new laptop thingy and I don't like it at all lol. But I'll go back and change it. Buttt, thank all of you for the support and patiance. I love you guyssss

Songs: Led Zepplelin - Stairway to Heaven. ( In an classic rock kind of day. Butttttt old music kicks ass and it's amazing)

Danny's pov

I flew quickly after I caught Pitch. I was flying fast, I never ever thought I would go this fast. But Cat was injured and I needed to be there for her. I wasn't there for her the last couple months.

But I'm back and I'm never leaving.

When I flew into the village everyone was hiding from me. I wouldn't blame them. I turned into a monster when I let the power go to my head. "Where's Cat?" I yelled frantically. "They're taking the best care of her right now." I hear behind me.

I see Vlad with his red eyes all watery. "What happened. Where is she?" I ask quickly. He shook his head back and forth.

"He shot darkness into her heart. It's taking over. It's bad. We never saw anything like this ever. She- there's a possability that she won't make it." he said before tears fell from his eyes.

Never have I ever saw a tough and evil man as him cry. But he cared for Cat like she was his own. I mean she is his step-daughter. But he didn't have to care for her the way he does. But he does.

Evil does have a heart. But only true people show it.

"I-I need to see her." I say before swallowing the lump in my throat. He shook his head up and down and walked down the long hallway before turning into the room, outside people were walking around frantically doing everything they can to save the dear princess. I see her father crying while sitting down.

This must be bad.

I walk into the room and see her laying there with her pink lips open partly, with little breath coming out of her mouth, she looked peaceful, like she's actually getting rest unlike she was before. What have I done. I torn her apart.

I look on her chest and I see her skin it was dull gray with almost black vains climbing up to her collar bones.

I shake my head before feeling tears fall down my face. I take her small fragile hand and kiss it lightly.

I lean over and I move her red hair from her face and I place small kisses on her forehead. "Please Cat. I know you can make it. Please. Everyone here is waiting for you. Everyone loves you. Your father, Vlad, your people need you, your mom needs you."

I let out a shaky breath before starting again.

"I need you Cat. Dammit Cat. I need you. I screwed up. I hurt you. Not only mentally but physically. I'm so sorry I brought Pitch into our lives. We could be happy. You wouldn't be on the verge of dying if it wasn't for me. I need you. We belong together. We're going to get married, have tons of little halfies like we talked about doing. You could be queen of this place right now. The world needs a Cat. They need you to keep it safe. You're the true hero. Not me." I say while tears are falling down my cheeks.

The machines start to go crazy, I look at the screen and her heartbeat rises just a little bit. That gives me more hope unlike before.

"You're strong. You can do this." I whisper.

After my long speech, I grabbed a chair and sat next to her and held her hand.


It's been a couple nights, I never left her side.

But tonight was different.

Jack was better and he came to visit her.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting you here." he said while he put his head down before turning around to leave. "Don't." I whisper.

"You've treated her well.", "But she isn't mine." he whispered.

"Not only you did wrong. I did wrong too. If it wasn't for our greed for love, we wouldn't have this happening. She would be happy running around this castle as we speak." he said before I could say anything he walked out the door.

I sighed before watching her again.

I felt so tired. But for her it was worth it.

I hear cracking from her body and I hear beeping nosies before people walked in and pushed me way. "Danny. You need to leave." one of the nurses yelled before someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me from the room.

I look at the monster that was carrying me and it was Frostbite with Vlad. They carried me into the lab I was in to many times to count from the previous years.

"This may sound weird but there is a small creature in her chest. Pitch shot it into her chest. They need to get it out before it becomes even deeper.", "If not?" I ask quickly.

"Then this world lost an amazing woman. She put herself before anyone just to save this world." he says before going into the operation room to help.

I felt tears running down my face, I can't bare to think of losing Cat. not now.

I felt someone hug me quickly, "She will make it Danny." I saw Vlad pull away and looked at me dead in the eye. "She will fight. She won't give up that easily. She's Cat for damn sakes." he laughs before he walked away to acompany Cat's father.

Hours went by, and they fianlly got the creature out of her chest.

Her red hair was sprawled out all over her face. I brushed it so I can see her face.

I kissed her forehead like I always do, but then I hear a couple loud gasps before I look down and I see her green eyes flutter open.

Her tiny hand went up to my cheek and cupped it and let out a lazy smile.

Cat was back and there was no way in hell I was letting her slip out of my fingers that easily.

Love Me, Till I'm Me Again. (Sequel to I'm in Love With a Ghost. Danny Phantom)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن