Chapter 8.

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Hey guys, sorry if this book is getting boring or what not. Next chapter I pinky promise more action instead of this stuff.  It seems that a lot of people aren't reading this either, so Idk about this book yet lol. But here's the new chapter, and bare with me with this, and updating just a lot of stuff. But I love you guys for voting and commenting. It really means the world to me. I love you guys. 

Enjoy lovelies♥


Shoot Love- Maroon 5

Carousel-Melanie Martinez ( May not go with the story. But I LOVE this song.) 

Cat's pov. 

We arrive towards my home of Amity Park.

But behind those doors I get to see my mom and Vlad.How I missed them so much, and I know that'd they feel the same.

I walked inside and the familiar smell, and everything was in the same spot.

I heard some people talking in the kitchen. I reach down my tiny hand and grab Jack's colder hand.  I felt my feet move across the wooden floor to follow the voices, "Mom." I whisper.

Her green eyes went wide and her pink lips went into an 'o' shape. She tried to cover her mouth with her hands. "Cat.", she ran towards me and hugs me so tightly like she doesn't want to lose me again. "I thought- I thought you couldn't come here anymore?", "Now that's just silly mom. Why wouldn't I come back?" I say while grabbing her hands.

She looks behind me and notices it's Jack who's behind me.

"You said it wasn't safe for you here.", "Nothing here can keep me away from seeing my mom." I chuckle. I turn to face the gray pony-tailed man wearing a suit like always. "Vlad.", "Miss Little Red." he said before pulling me into a hug. "I missed you guys so much.", "We missed you too. Come, we have dinner cooking right now.".  

I sat in my regular spot, while Jack sat right beside me, but something felt off.

Like he wasn't supposed to be here. Like that seat wasn't meant for him. It was meant for someone else.

"Are you okay dear?" Vlad asked before pulling out the newspaper that was besides him. "Yes I'm fine, just a bit out of it." I admit before rubbing my temples.

Soon I felt Jack's cold fingertips on my back rubbing in circles trying to calm me down.

My mom came to the table with some salads for us to eat. "So how is the kingdom going?" my mothers pink lips turned into a smile, "It's going really well. I love it there, it's so pretty." I smile before looking back at my food. "I see you're over that Danny boy already." Vlad smiles while circling his fork around before digging in his food.

"Who is this Danny kid and why do people keeping on bringing him up?" I put my fork down and look at their confused faces. "Danny. Danny Fenton?" my mother tried saying before I shake my head back and forth.

"I have no clue what you're talking about. Can I just go to my room and go to bed please. I'll be leaving in the morning.". Vlad and my mother exchange confused looks and shook their heads yes.

I ran upstairs leaving Jack downstairs all by himself. I felt my head pounding, who was this Danny kid that people are talking about. I don't know him, and it's making me wonder if I should know this kids existence.

I look at my empty room, other than the old posters, and my old bed in the room. I walked over towards the bed and snuggled into the covers and layed there until my eyes grew heavier and I soon fell asleep to the sounds of the wind hitting the house. 

Jack's pov. 

"What has gotten into her." Cat's mother was running her hand in her long brown hair.

"I don't know. I know something isn't right here. Nothing has been going well in the Ghost Zone. There's this mysterious darkness that is controlling some of the ghosts in there. Someone is doing it, and I have a feeling this isn't going to end well." Vlad slams his hand on the table making me jump.

"She better of not made the deal with it. If she did, it's like making a deal with the devil. Or even worse.".

If they only knew I sent him in her presence.

She didn't want to remember him, she didn't want to remember what he has done to her. I did this for her.

Just keep on thinking you did this for her and everything will be fine.

"Do you know this happened Jack?" Vlad raised an eyebrow towards me.I quickly shook my head back and forth. "Danny attacked her, and when King Winters brought him up she didn't know a thing." I lied straight through my teeth.

What is wrong with me. Is it worth all this lying just to keep her head over heels for me. But she should be with me the moment that I laid eyes on her.

She's my soul mate and everyone knows it.

"We need to find it out. Will you help Jack?" Vlad asked, I nodded my head. But I knew I wouldn't help, I'm the poison that has cause all this mess.

Lies, lies lies. What has my life become?

Danny's pov. 

I felt myself climbing up on the fire escape of Cat's fire escape, I felt myself acting like I was that stupid Jack Frost kid.

At this point I haven't seen him so I've been acting normal for once. So the darkness has been fading a little each day.

I overheard Jazz talking to Sam and Tucker how Cat is back in town. Disregarding me telling her to never return.

I missed her.

The last I've seen her is when I gave her a warning. She doesn't remember me, and I'm kind of glad that she doesn't.

I've became a monster.

I look at her sleeping body and she tosses and turns. I wanted to go in there and fall asleep with her in my arms.

I've been having non-stop dreams about her. Her blue hair flying in the sky when we would sneak away and have our little adventures, the way her nose crinkles when she laughs.

What did I get myself into? Every time I felt normal and I've been getting these urges to touch her, the darkness comes back.

This is a risk I have to take.

I felt myself getting lightheaded. I leaned against the wall and grabbed my head. I knew he was getting angry with me. I had to let the darkness control me, it gave me this rush I never ever felt before.

"What have I told you. If you're going to get this close to her. Kill her already. "

I shook my head saw my reflection in the window and my red eyes were plain to see.

I turned ghost and flew away into the night in case she heard a noise outside her window.

One thing I had to do before I had to do anything with the couple of stupid love birds. I had to spread the darkness to other ghosts that escaped the Ghost Zone.

We are going to make this army bigger and control all of the Ghosts.

As for him and I?

 We'll have them wrapped around our fingers. 

Love Me, Till I'm Me Again. (Sequel to I'm in Love With a Ghost. Danny Phantom)Where stories live. Discover now