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"Ugh, I can't believe I got myself banned from my own son's wedding."

"He wouldn't have invited you anyways, you know that."

"Do you really have to go, babe?"

"Yes, now let go of me, Мери! I'm already late."

America huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, watching as his boyfriend, who is in a suit again, hurries to put on his shoes. It wasn't a good idea for Russia to come home after the bachelor party since it would take a long time before he could get to Gallia, but he wanted to wash up and get a little nap before the wedding. It was fortunate that he had taken one of the Motherland's fastest jets. He would be able to get to the wedding in time, if not a few minutes later.

After putting on his shoes, he turns to his lover who still has his arms crossed over his chest with his bottom lip puckered out in a pout. He chuckled. "I'll come back with a little something. Don't worry, малыш," he said, taking his boyfriend in his arms and pecking him lovingly on the lips. America huffed again, but let Russia go, reminding the Slav to bring him some cake.

Fast forward a few hours later, Russia had thankfully arrived to Luxembourg Gardens on time. One thing that almost got him late was the paparazzi just piling up at the gate with their huge cameras and microphones in hand. They nearly chewed him up with their questions had Kazakhstan not saved him. He now sat on one of the chairs in the front row. On his right was his father; on his left were his siblings, all arranged by order of their birth. After his siblings were Britain's sons, SSA's uncles, and then SSA's peers in the East Asia Faction - China and his daughter Hong Kong, North Korea, South Korea, Japan Nisshōki, Japan Hinomaru, Macao, Mongolia, and Taiwan. Then, there were some friends, Germany and Poland who came along with German Empire.

Russia tried not looking back to them, but it was hard. For some reason, there was this anxiety welling up inside of him every time he didn't see Martial and his family there sitting beside Germany, Poland, and German Empire. He had glanced at the stage to see if Martial was there with the entertainment staff, but he only saw White Rose.

He frowned and looked away. He shook his head. Snap out of it, he told himself. You're not even supposed to see him anyways.

Finally, eleven o'clock came and SSA went to stand on the altar. Vatican City then arrived and everyone stood to greet him. If there was a union between two countries, a mere human couldn't officiate the ceremony. Sure, SSA and Catalonia had been practicing with a human, but it's not like Vatican City needed practice. He's officiated EU and ASEAN's wedding as well as other humans so he has experience. Plus, Vatican City was busy so it's not like he could practice with the two everyday.

As his brother and the shorter country start talking to each other, Russia glances to the back again. No sight of Martial Law or his family. Russia glances to the stage. White Rose is still there. He sighs and looks back to the front.

"You're looking for Martial Law, aren't you?", he suddenly hears his father ask him.

"Yeah...," he admits quietly.

"He's not coming," Soviet says, looking at his son with pity in his eyes. Oh, how his son looks like a love-stricken puppy right now. "He said he's not feeling well."

"He's sick?" Russia looks at his father with surprise. How can he be sick?, the Slav wondered. Just yesterday he was alright.

He looked at the back again. He saw the Powers...except ASEAN. Russia's anxiety somehow became worse with knowing that fact. Where was ASEAN? He was supposed to attend the wedding of a country under his district. The absence of the Power gave such a bad omen to the unknowing Slav.

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