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After MSK and Katipunan were born, I've noticed that Luci– I mean, Martial... He's more secretive and introverted than usual. I barely see him outside the house and he also rarely takes his sons out due to the fact that Katipunan was a sickly child. He has to stay inside all the time to attend to Katipunan, sometimes leaving MSK unattended or left alone in a room. I had offered to help him a couple of times. He was very skittish of me for some reason and usually declined my help, but there were times that he really needed someone to watch MSK so he let me help him.

MSK and Katipunan are Martial's twin sons, MSK being the older of the two and Katipunan being named after Martial's father. They were the product of some bastard raping Luci– Martial. I swear, one day, I'm going to find that human and kill him for touching Martial.

Anyways, back to what I was saying.

MSK is a quiet child and was fairly easy to take care of. I would know because I used to take care of my baby brothers before and they were such a hassle to watch. Always crying and fighting, refusing to eat their food, and only doing what they were told to do when it was father that told them. MSK wasn't like that. He didn't cry or fight, he always ate his food, and he listened to anyone when they were talking.

Katipunan, on the other hand, was just like my pain-in-the-ass baby brothers. Martial was always having a hard time taking care of that sickly child since he was always fighting with his father to not take his medicine. He didn't like listening to Martial and used to often bite him when the little kid still didn't have any teeth.

I smiled a little as I remember how much of a struggle Martial had while he was trying to make the little boy put on his clothes this morning. Katipunan had just gotten out of the bath and had "declared today to be 'naked day'".

...I really miss my brothers and sisters. Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan were babies when I last saw them. They've must have grown up into strong countries by now. And Belarus was around 6 or 8 months old since last - I can't remember anymore. If she's still alive, she must be a beautiful and grown woman now.

I'm brought out from my thoughts when I feel something tug on my sleeve. I look down to see my 4-month-old godchild standing in front of me with a paper in hand. He smiles with beaming blue eyes and holds his masterpiece up to my face. I take it in my hands and examine it. It was a drawing of some stick people on grass with a strangely-shaped house behind them. Their faces were colorful and they had labels though so I was able to identify each of them.

I spot Philip on the left. Holding his hand beside him is Israel, Philip's new boyfriend. On Philip's other side is Gregorio. Beside Gregorio is MSK. Beside him is me, then Martial, then Katipunan. I smile and fight the urge to frown. Luci and I were holding hands in the drawing.

"It's a good drawing, МСК, but why are Луси and I holding hands?", I ask, handing the paper back to him.

The little boy's smile becomes wider as he is handed back his drawing. "'Cuz you and daddy like each other!"

My heart melts at his squeaky voice and cute and innocent response.

"Да, we do," I say. "Your папа is a good friend of mine."

"I asked daddy if you could be my other daddy, but he said no!", MSK pouted.

Oh... So that's what he meant.

If that were to happen, Luci– Martial and I would have to get married. If that happens, I don't think I would be able to love him as one should to their spouse, for I love someone else. My lover had helped with chasing Imperial Japan and her men back to Nihon. He was America.

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