A white Lily (Part 1)

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CHAPTER EIGHT : A white Lily

Lockhart pranced around the room. He waved his wand in flourishes, with my head rested on my chin. - the cough at the back of the room woke me up slightly. Professor McGonagall stood at the back, her large bottle green hat on her head.

"Professor McGonagall!" Lockhart smiled," What can we do for you?"
"Ronald Weasley. I've been instructed to give you this." Professor McGonagall gave Ron a folded piece of paper, "Continue with whatever this is."
She walked out, our last hope leaving with her.
Lockhart clapped his hands," Right, where were we?"
"The part where you stabbed a wildebeest." A Hufflepuff stated, not looking up from his notebook.
"I – "Lockhart started but stopped," No, I was talking about werewolves –"
The large bell echoed around the school, I've never moved so fast – Hadleigh climbed over the chairs, her bag on her shoulder.
"Harry!' Lockhart yelled behind us," For your lack of input this lesson, you will serve detention with me tonight."
Hadleigh laughed as we pushed each other around, from her bag she pulled out a wrapped box.
"Happy Birthday Cel." She smiled as we turned into the Great Hall.
The tables had coffin-shaped snack bowls, each one filled with toffee tables
Sitting down next to Neville, I untied the ribbon; the box fell apart revealing a neatly folded mustard guitar strap, the bold colour was broken up with a white floral print.
Padma lent on Hadleigh's shoulders," so, do you like it?"
"Very much so." I hugged them," Thank you."
"It's from all of us, me, Padma, Seamus, Dean and Hermione." Hadleigh beamed," we couldn't afford it by ourselves."
"I can't wait to see what it looks like." I smiled at them.
Isobel came up behind us," No need to wait."
From behind her back, she pulled out my hard-yellow guitar case. Rolling my eyes at them, I unzipped the case – leaning the instrument on my knee. Taking the old frayed strap off, I carefully folded it into the box the new strap came from. Without the unravelling material, the guitar looked newer, cared for even.
Neville gave me a wide smile," Before you say shit, Happy Birthday."
He passed over a card, I cracked the seal – yellow butterfly fluttered from the open envelope.
"Aww, I love it!" I wrapped my arms around my brother.
"Anything from mum and dad?" He asked taking out his book.
I shuck my head sadly," No, not this year."
"Cellie!" Adrian yelled, swaggering in with his arms out," Happy birthday!"
Elliot waved his wand, blue and bronze confetti fell around me. Hermione tipped her book, a pile of confetti landing on the table in front of her.
Ron lifted his head from his chocolate frog cards," What's happening?"
"it's Celyn's birthday." Hermione smiled at me.
Harry looked up from his book," Really? I thought you and Neville are twins or something."
"Nope, I'm nine months older." I smiled pinching my brothers' cheeks."
Neville rolled his eyes," You remind me every year since we were six."
An Owl swooped down, dropping a rolled-up piece of parchment tied with blue ribbon. Undoing ribbon, tying it around my ponytail.
"What does it say?" Seamus asked.
Unrolling the paper, my eyebrows creased in confusion, written in emerald-green ink:

Celyn Juliet Longbottom

I am sorry – meet me in the Choir room, four fifteen.

"Miss Longbottom."
Turning around, Professor Flitwick stood behind me.
"Hi, Professor."
He nodded his head at Hadleigh and Padma, "My Guitarist is out with a broken arm from falling down some stairs and is suck in the hospital wing for the day as the bone fuses back together, I was wondering if you could stand in?"
"Sure, when cause Robbie is putting the names up for the Quidditch team tonight," I asked setting my pen down.
He looked up in thought," Five past three till five past four in the choir room."
Creasing my eyebrows I went through my schedule in my head," Should be fine."
"Thank you." He nodded his head, walking back to the front of the room.
Dean looked around," We have a choir room?"
"Why not?" Hadleigh shrugged.
Stretching out my fingers, the tips of my fingers sliding over the strings. Dean hummed along to the songs as he filled out his transfiguration homework from the last lesson.
"Cel, Had, shouldn't you guys be doing your work?" Hermione asked.
Hadleigh laughed silently as she hit her fist on the table to keep a rhythm, "Why?"
"We did it ages ago."
Hadleigh pointed at the cords as we worked out the melody.
Fred and George popped their heads around, "It's a Ravenclaw thing – having all their work in neat notes and completes months in advance."

A Blue Raven [1] // Harry Potter // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now