Ravenclaw Vs Hufflepuff

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Ravenclaw Vs Hufflepuff

For three whole weeks, nothing has happened since Collin's petrification. People still walked in packs, never leaving one person behind. Robert stood in front of a printout of the pitch – I stood next to Roger with my broom behind my neck as we listened to the game plan. Andrew Crestmont sat on the benches, next to Zach Montoya, he had that horrible smirk on his face and held his head in such a way a shadow hollowed out his eyes and nose.
"Remember, if Adrian goes down, Celyn takes his place and Andrew takes Celyn's spot." Robert said pointing around with his stick," We have this in the bag!"
"Let's go!" Elliot shouted walking to the trap door entrance at the side of the pitch.
Holding on to my broom, the door opened as I kicked off - flying a lap around the pitch with Roger; we hovered in our places around the white dot in the middle of the pitch. I had a wide smile on my face as Madam Hook stood on the Field.  It felt different, being on the pitch rather than standing in the stands being crushed up against people who are taller than you.
"I want a cleaner game than last time – this means no cursing Bludgers!" She yelled up as she let the Bludgers free," Good luck."

She threw the Quaffle in the air and blew the whistle around her neck.
I couldn't hear anything over my own heartbeat in my ears. Diving forwards, I knocked the Quaffle out of Malcolm Preece's hands and zig-zagged my way out of the mosh.
"New player Celyn Longbottom is in possession of the Quaffle."
With the Quaffle in my arms, I threw it up towards Robert, who bounced it to roger.
"Good use of maneuvers from the Ravenclaw team, still in possession."

Leaning forwards, I twisted out of the way of Preece's arms. Levelling out slighting higher than the height of the hoops. Robert threw it back to me as I b-lined for the hoops
"Captain Robert Hillard passes to Longbottom for Ravenclaw," Jordan commented.
Roger was covering my left, Jack and Elliot hitting Bludgers in every which direction. Robert's plan made sure that whoever had the Quaffle would be covered by someone.
Behind me, McAvoy started to push in right – I made the short pass to Davis who took the Quaffle. He entered the scoring area, making the straight shot to the left hoop as the keeper was on the far right.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw," Lee yelled over the crowds.

Davis flew passed, clasping my hand in his.
"We just have to keep this up." He laughed.

McAvoy had the Quaffle under her right arm, I guarded Preece by flying just above him. He put his hand out to catch the pass.
"McAvoy passes the Quaffle – "
I thumped the Quaffle away from Preece into Robert's hands.
"Nice interception by new chaser Celyn Longbottom!"
Flying close to Robert, he threw the Quaffle in my direction – without thinking, I stood on my broom handle.
"What are you doing?" Robert yelled at me," This isn't in the plan!"
Jumping I punched a fastball in the direction of the middle goal post. Both my feet landed back on my broom, landing like a cat, I hopped back into a sitting position with my hands securely on the handle. Fleet stationed himself slight under the right hoop, his fingers grazed the Quaffle but it passed through the hoop.
The chiming bell confirmed it.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw."

I screamed," Did you see that!"
Jack and Saffron high-fived as she passed him, her eyes tinted on the pitch looking for that little golden ball.
Robert gave me a side hug as he passed, "You're crazy, but that was insane Little first year!"
"That's my sister!" I heard Neville in the crowd as I passed over the stands.
He stood in Gryffindor red with a blue flag in his hand, next to him was Hadleigh gripping on to Hermione as she jumped in the air. Harry and Ron stood with the Gryffindor team, Wood looked up at me with a semi-impressed look as Angelina and Katie smiled at the goal.

McAvoy had the Quaffle under her left arm, Roger reached out the punch it free. The Hufflepuff Chaser looked back, with a sly smirk elbowed him in the nose, Davis pulled back the blood from his nose dripping from my fingers.

"Ten Points to Hufflepuff."
" Preece skids on the ice will he recover? Hope not – sorry professor. He flew vertical and scores -  ten points to Hufflepuff."
"Hillard scores again, Ten points to Ravenclaw."
"Longbottom takes the chance, McAvoy dives to intercept but misses – Ten points to Ravenclaw!"

Ice sprayed behind as I flew close to the frozen pitch, Preece was not far in front of me. Suddenly he stopped, I swerved to miss him – tumbling a few times. Sticking my foot out, I skidded on the ice giving me time to balance out. I flew up and hovered by Robert as the game reset for the next run.

When the whistle blew, I dived forward but took a fist to the face missing the Quaffle, Applebee took the opportunity taking the Quaffle weaving through the scrummage. As she threw it to McAvoy, I reached up to intercept but missed it by an inch.
Hillard leaned forward, his hand out to intercept McAvoy's throw through the hoops. 
Applebee pulled her arm back, letting the Quaffle fly through the air. Roger made a pass to catch the ball, however, missed it by a mile.

"Another Ten Points to Hufflepuff!"
"Applebee sideswiped Roger Davis as she B-lines for the goalposts – Hawksworth makes the dive but misses, Ten points to Hufflepuff."

Checking my watch, the game has been going on for an hour– my fingers are turning a shade of blue and my cheeks at a pink tint to them.

"That's a curveball by Ravenclaw Chaser, Robert Hillard!" Lee Jordan called," That's forty points to both teams."

Taking the Hawkshead formation, we passed the Quaffle between us. Pushing through, Robert took the shot
"Ten Points to Ravenclaw – taking the lead."

"What's that!" Lee Jordan spoke up," Emerson and Diggory are battling for the Snitch!"
They nose-dived down, swerving over the iced, pulling back up avoiding hitting any of us.
Robert took another throw – Preece caught it with a smirk on his face, throwing it back to Applebee who was halfway down the pitch.
"Better luck next time," He gave me a bittersweet smile.
looking up at him, adjusting my clothes, "Wishing yourself luck now? Interesting.,"
Flying into Preece, he dropped the Quaffle into Robb's hands – he weaved in and out of the stands bouncing the Quaffle to me. Lining up behind the hoops, I threw it to Roger Davis; lining for a fastball, Applebee rammed into him. Roger lost his balance, his throw having half the power he intended. A breath caught in my throat as the Quaffle bounced off the top of the hoop, not going into the hoops.

Flying handle first into the scrummage for the Quaffle, I volleyed the ball over to Robert who broke away before anyone noticed.
He never flew in a straight-line meaning that no one could block him in, which is what happened to Angelina last year.
Robert went to pass the Quaffle to Roger, however, during the pace McAvoy intercepted and sped along with the pitch to the other side.
Adrian squatted on his broom, giving him more manoeuvrability. Moving his broom from side to side, when he determined the direction of the Quaffle he booted it out of the way of the hoop with the sticks of his broom

"Emerson dives Diggory hot on her tail"

Looking up, I saw Elliot grip on to his bat as he watched Saffron. Her blonde hair had fallen out of her ponytail yet was swept back due to the speed she was flying at. With an arm outstretched, she wiggled her fingers.

"Digory and Emerson going head to head – remember whoever catches the snitch wins 150 points for their house."

With the Quaffle under my arm as I ducked past Bludgers and other Hufflepuff chasers. Pulling my arm back, I threw the Quaffle -

"Saffron Emerson has the Golden Snitch Winning Ravenclaw a hundred and fifty points."

Madam Hooch blew her whistle," Ravenclaw Win!"
Slapping the Quaffle in my hand to intercept my own throw, Robbie flew over and pulled me into a one-armed hug.
"That was insane – and we are going to work on that."
Adrian darted over, flying circles around the Ravenclaw section of the stands – darting in and out of the stadium's frame.
"Next match is –"Lee looked at his piece of paper," two weeks after the Christmas holidays, so Happy Holidays – don't get too shitfaced and make good choices."
"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall shouted," knock it off or ill knock you off the stands!"
Adrian looked over to where the professor sat," We should go before she blasts someone out of the sky."
"Agreed." Rob nodded.

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