Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff

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CHAPTER TEN: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff

Last game before Christmas- Ravenclaw Vs Hufflepuff.
The snow had settled on the pitch; small icicles had formed on the hoops.
"Welcome to the second Quidditch Game of the season, Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff!" Lee Jordan shouted into the megaphone.
Madam Hooch looked up at the team, her goggles over her eyes," Good luck."
Kicking the trunk open, the Bludgers went into the air – disappearing behind the snowy clouds.
"Hey," Blaise called out, pushing his way through the crowds.
I turned around with a smile," Hi!"
"It's too colourful over here." Malfoy whined, "I'm going to find somewhere, less – happy."
Blaise turned around his friend, "See you in a bit then Drac."
Robert weaved in and out of the Hufflepuff chasers, throwing the ball between Davis and Emelina Coats.
"Ten Points to Ravenclaw!" Lee Jordan shouted as the Quaffle went through the top hoop.
Hadleigh looked over to the Slytherins," Why do you talk to them Cel, they are so... meh."
I choked on air," Blaise is ok, Malfoy, however, is like a small ferret."
Hadleigh shrugged," actually, we could just lock him in a small cage and forget about him."
"That's murder." I blinked.
"Only if we get caught."
"Ten Points to Hufflepuff."
Adrian Hawksworth glared at the Hufflepuff chasers as they reset the match, waving his arms around as Tulip platted his shoulder.

Blaise looked between us," You two are future murderers, I'm calling it."
"Ten Points to Hufflepuff."
I shrugged," You have to admit, your life will be quieter without him whining all the time."
He nodded," True."
Tulip hit a Bludger into the path of Applebee's path making her go off course giving Davis a chance to take the Quaffle and score another ten points for Ravenclaw.
"That's another ten points to Ravenclaw – making the score an even twenty!" Lee Shouted," Hillard scores again for Ravenclaw thirty twenty."
Blaise's eyes darted around as he followed the match," Right, I'm gonna dash – I'll see you around Celyn."
A beaters bat echoes through the pitch, Tulip looking pissed as Applebee took a shot through the hoops.
Lee Ooed into the megaphone," Lipa isn't happy, Ten points to Hufflepuff."

Squinting my eyes, Winger has his handheld out the other hooked around his broom handle.
Ducking down, Winger and Scratch barely flew over our heads as they rammed into the side of each other – trying to push the other of course.
"My what a game this is – Tulip Agar what a girl, last year, head of the Gobblestones club as well as the vice-captain of the Arith-"
"Jordan!" McGonagall yelled from next to him," This is not her obituary now get on with it."
Hadleigh tapped my shoulder," You're are defiantly trying out next year, even if I have to drag you there myself."
"If I agree will you shut up about it?" I asked her, clapping my hands as Ravenclaw scored another ten points."
She squealed," Yes, I'll shut up."
"Fine." I groaned," This means I have to be nice to Madam Hooch."

"What's this!" Lee Jordan shouted," Winger is flying low, has he seen the Snitch – I think he has. Tommy Winger has caught the Golden Snitch! Ravenclaw Win!"

Hadleigh and I jumped up and down in circles as homemade banners rustled and creased around us.
"Caw! Caw! Ravenclaw!
The rulers of the air.
We'll win this, for sure!
We'll win this, we swear!

Caw! Caw! Ravenclaw!
The rulers of the skies;
Defying physics laws,
as we soar and fly high!

Caw! Caw! Ravenclaw!
The rulers of the mind.
We'll fly until we're sore.
We're the best of our kind!"

Following the others into the Common Room, the chat getting louder as more people caught on with the words. The Brass knocker on the door appeared to have a tight smile on his features – one that I hadn't seen before.
Victoria held out a box, throwing decorations at anyone who passed her. Hadleigh and I took the Ravenclaw Quidditch Banner and hung it over the dark oak balcony – tying the strings around the spindles. Padma ran up the stairs to join us, tying blue balloons to the corner of the banner.

A Blue Raven [1] // Harry Potter // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now