This is an Acting Class?

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CHAPTER FIVE: This is an Acting Class?

Halloween was slowly approaching.
My eyes started to hurt in class at times as I had to focus a lot harder – Hadleigh helped as much as she could, however, I didn't want to rely on her all year.
Today he was wearing salmon with his hair perfectly styled, I rolled my eyes as he sat on his desk with the awful smile.
"We are going to recreate the moment, I met a vampire who could only eat lettuce." Gilderoy clapped his hand," Let's have some Volunteers – Harry and Mr Malfoy can be the vampires I meet and hmm, Miss Lovelace, you can be the housemaid."
Hadleigh leaned over," Is he serious? Please tell me he's joking."
"I don't think so."
Isobel pushed Hadleigh forwards," Good luck."
Padma nodded," You're going to need it."
Gilderoy looked at them, "Begin. I was in the dark cold Siberian terrain, walking in a blizzard when I came up to the house." Lockhart acted out, Malfoy and Harry looking at him then back to each other, not really knowing what to do," I knocked on the door, and someone opened the door."
Malfoy and Harry stood there with blank expressions.
"And someone opened the door." He pressed, Harry rolled his eyes and acted out opening a door," His skin pale, with eyes as red as blood pools. Behind him another was cutting up lettuce. A housemaid sweeping up the blood from their last meal."
Malfoy rolled his eyes," are you bloody serious?"
"Another was cutting up lettuce and cleaning blood," Lockhart repeated, Malfoy lifted his arm half-heartedly," I knew they were Vampires but I walked in anyway –"
The bell chimed, Picking up my belongings– Hadleigh running out with me.
"Can you believe him?" Ron exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air, "Is he going to act out every chapter in his book."
"Yes." Hermione sighed happily.
Hadleigh groaned" I hope not – I hate acting."
"Well now Defence is now an acting class, we are all going to die."
Harry looked behind him and raised an eyebrow at me," well you have a very sunny disposition."
"I'm working on it  - gonna try toning down the sarcasm so I don't come off so rude."
"Thank Merlin." Isobel smiled," Maybe then you can have more friends."
"I have enough friends thank you." I smiled pushing her shoulder gently.
We waved good-bye to our fellow Ravenclaws taking the stairs down to the Dungeons.
Professor Snape stood in front of his blackboard – a new pink vile on his desk.
"Today," He turned around at us," You will be brewing a Sleeping Draught in pairs. What are the key characteristics of this potion?"
Raising my hand, he pointed his chalk at me," It's dark purple in colour and will send the drinker into a deep yet temporary sleep."
He nodded," Ten Points to Ravenclaw Miss Longbottom. Now, sadly, the use of this potion is forbidden to be used on staff, however, during Dinner, we may see the effects of it."
"You're going to spike someone's drink sir?" Parkinson gasped.
Professor Snape rolled his eyes at her," that's what I implied, and he deserves it."
"Is it Lockhart?" Hadleigh asked," If so, we condone it."
Professor Snape nodded," It may well be. I have your pairs here because I felt like it – these pairs will be for the rest of the year. So, Mr Potter with Miss Parkinson, Mr Weasley and... Mr Boot, Miss Granger and...Mr Goldstein, Miss Padma Patil with Mr Longbottom, Miss Parvati Patil and Mr Zabini, Miss Lovelace and Mr Rivers, Miss MacDougal and Mr Crabbe, Miss Longbottom and Mr Malfoy, Miss Li and Mr Goyle –"
Looking across the room, Malfoy glanced at me – his grey eyes making it even more intense. I want to believe he's come to terms I'm classroom friends with Blaise, however, I don't think that's going to happen.

Malfoy made no attempt to move desks, giving a tight smile to the others – I picked up my belongings taking a seat next to him. Opening the potions book from last year, I kept the page on with book weights – taking a pencil from my case. On the shelves, I pulled the ingredients down – put each jar in the middle of our workbench. Hadleigh measured out the ingredients whilst I created a neutral potion liquid.
"Want me to read them out?" He asked not looking it up from cutting the lavender.
Giving him a straight smile," Yeah, that would be nice."
"Still not found your glasses?"
Shaking my head, I added the four springs of Lavender," No, Pixies' still have 'em."
"Add the standard Ingredient," Malfoy instructed," How are you finding it?"
Malfoy read out the instructions to me, passing me the measured out ingredients.

1. Add 4 sprigs of Lavender to the mortar
2. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
3.Crush into a creamy paste using the pestle
4. Add 2 blobs of Flobberworm Mucus to your cauldron
5. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
6. Gently heat for 30 seconds
7. Add 3 measures of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
8.Wave your wand
9. Leave to brew and return in 70 minutes (time depends on the cauldron)

"So, Seventy minutes," I stated.
He nodded – sitting back on his stool.
"Eye spy with my blue eye, something beginning with C." Turning my head I gave him a wide smile," Come on, guess."
"What?" He looked at me.
Spinning around, I looked dumfounded at him," Eye-Spy? It's a game where you see something in the room and the other person has to guess what it is."
Putting his quill down shrugging," and my clue is C?"
"Yep." I popped the P with enthusiasm.
"Close." I smiled.
He creased his eyebrows," Chalkboard?"
"Yey!" Clapping my hands, I gave him a wider smile
Malfoy gave me a sideward look – suppressing a smile, "Just get on with it.

10. Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
11.Heat on a high temperature for 1 minute
12. Add 4 Valerian Sprigs to your cauldron
12.Stir 7 times, clockwise
14. Wave your wand to complete the potion

The Liquid diffused from dark green to a bright purple, taking the crystal vile – I held it still as Malfoy poured in the potion; corking it closed to secure the contents.
"Miss Longbottom and Mr Malfoy – twenty points each for teamwork and an efficient method." Professor Snape nodded as he held it up to the light," The rest of you should also be bottling up now, class ends in fifteen minutes."
Throwing my things back into my bag, I stopped when I felt someone staring at me, "What?"
"Never noticed your eyes are a different colour," Malfoy stated, pointing to his own grey eyes.
I nodded," Yep, the blue tint of my glasses normally hides it pretty well."
He shrugged," It's unique."
Dropping a pencil in my bag I nodded," Thank you, you have nice – ears?."

"Ears?" he questioned picking up his black bag.
I shrugged awkwardly," I'm not good with compliments."
"I'll keep that in mind." Draco Malfoy gave a half-smile, then turning to talk to Blaise on the other table.

The large gong sound of the bell echoed through the school, securing my bag on my shoulder I walked with Hadleigh and Padma to the Great Hall for Lunch.
Large snake bowls had been filled to the top with fruit and crisps – Hadleigh sat in front of me with her books scattered around her.
"What am I going to do?" She yelled.
Putting my quill down," Hadleigh you're amazing at Charms – what's up?"
"I'm in a funk." She sighed," Some days I don't feel smart enough to be here."
Taking a pear I handed it over to her," Ravenclaw's value learning, Creativity, intelligence and Wit – it doesn't always mean academically intelligent it could be anything that you have intense knowledge of... like Charms or how you are amazing at learning Herbology and History of Magic."
"So, I'm ok?"
I nodded," More than."
Robert bounded over with Elliot a large smile on his face.
"Celie! Meet your new Quidditch Captain!"
I nodded," Hi Elliot."
Robert's face fell," It's me Cel! Elliot gave it up to 'study' so he gave it to me!"
Adrian sighed loudly from the other end of the table," We are going to lose then – here's to our depleting legacy."
"Shut up Adrian," Robert threw a chip at him,
Adrian smirked as he caught it in his mouth," Thank you, Our beloved Captain."
Rolling his eyes," Tryouts for Beater, Seeker and two chaser spots are taking place on October 25th so look out for that."
"That's next week." I creased my eyes in confusion," I thought you only lost one chaser?"
He nodded, "Elliot only recently gave it up and he was going to have a closed try-out but I've changed it so we all get to decide on who we want. As for the other thing – she's kind of four-months pregnant so we can't have her playing."
Adrian rolled his eyes," Do we have to go?"
Robert dramatically fell to the bench," Do Unicorns shit rainbows?"
"No then?" Adrian Smiled," Thanks, Captain."
Robert rolled his eyes," You know what I meant – be there or face not being on the team."
He smiled turning to walk away, he stopped; clicked his fingered as turned back to us," October 25that 10:30, Sharp – full robes then practice will be back in trainers and loose joggers. Our first match is Mid-November, so we have been A-team ready. You better be their Cellie."
Hadleigh squealed," You're trying out of the team?"
"Seems like it."
Padma sat next to me," in that case, we the second-year class, support you in your endeavours."

A Blue Raven [1] // Harry Potter // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now