Frozen in Time.

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"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione said looking at the four of us.
Ron nodded," We don't even know this Riddle. The only time he's ever come up is his 'Services to the School' award from the 50s or something, after that he just disappears like someone didn't want us remembering this guy."
"Tom Marvolo Riddle, why does that name give me the creeps," I said and Ron nodded in Agreement.
"The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us do?" Harry asked us and a few things popped to mind but I didn't say them.
"Not jumped to conclusions as it can ruin peoples lives?" Hadleigh asked with fake optimism
"Look. Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go ask him about it?" Hermione suggested, her fellow Gryffindor's giving her unimpressed looks.
"That'd be a cheerful visit. Hello, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?" Ron mimicked, sarcasm dripping in his tone.
We looked at each other and answered at the same time," No."
Creasing his bushy eyebrows, Hagrid looked at us all with his beady eyes – searching for a flicker of uncertainty.
Harry looked at the bottle in Hagrid's Hands as he tried to change the subject," What's that, Hagrid?"
Hagrid looked at the bottle in his pan-sized hands, then back at us, "Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. Fer the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in the hospital un-Petrified. 'Til then, you three best watch yerselves, all righ'?"
We nodded then we saw Neville run up to us his face white with shock.
"Nev?" I questioned, putting a supporting hand on his shoulder," What's wrong?"
"Harry, I don't know who it did, but... you'd better come." Neville breathed.
Hermione turned to us, "I'm Sorry –"
"We know," Hadleigh stopped her with a smile," Meet you in the library?"
Hermione nodded, racing after the boys in her House.

With the weather clearing up, we took the longer route so we could stay in the open air longer. Smiling at Michael and Anthony, who were throwing a Quaffle between them in the courtyard by the old fountain that no longer worked.

As the match was to start at 11, the library was empty – even Madam Prince wasn't here to check out any books. Choosing the bookshelves that had been categorized about Hogwarts, we spread out along the bench connected to the units.
Hermione ran in, her hair flying behind her as she ran in, dumping her bag on the desk in front of her.
"What's got your wand in a knot?" I asked.
She pulled the books out of her bag, slamming them on the desk," Someone destroyed Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus and Dean's dorm over lunch – like duck feathers are floating down the stairs. Professor McGonagall is furious and wants to talk to everyone in the House about it."
"Won't it be a lad though?" Hadleigh asked, looking up from the book," As only Lads can go in the Lads dorms and vice versa."
Hermione nodded, sitting down," It's if anyone saw anything, before or after so they know who did it."

Taking a pile of books each, we searched through everything it could be and it in one pile then everything it couldn't be, went into another pile.

"I think I know what the monster is!" Hermione yelled.
"Shush!" The stand-in librarian spoke, holding her finger to her lips.
Giving a weak smile, Hermione nodded, running around to lean between me and Hadleigh, putting the book down," A Basilisk."
Hadleigh looked up at her with a raised eyebrow," A giant snake? You think a Giant Snake is writing on the walls?"
Hermione gave her a pointed look, "No. I think the Monster is the Snake then someone is controlling the Snake, well Basilisk."
"What other evidence do you have?" I asked, no quiet believing a giant Basilisk is living under our feet," It's been down there for fifty years surely it would be dead by now?"
Hermione pointed at some parts in the book," A Basilisk can live up to a thousand years that when commanded."
Scanning the book, I hummed in agreement, but its weakness is a crowing rooster, so can't we just get a load of chickens?"
"Somewhere in that is logical Cel." Hermione patted my shoulder," But how do we stop it?"
Hadleigh looked up at her," Stop it? No, what we do is we tell a teacher and they can deal with it. We are second years, not Mystical Sages."
"We don't even know where the entrance is, so how could we do anything without waiting for it to attack someone else."
Hermione put three-mirrors down on the table," It says direct eye contact will kill you, so a reflection should not kill us."
"Should?" Hadleigh questioned," All this is based off a should?"
"What else do we have to go off," I asked, picking up a hand mirror from the desk.
The handle was cold as my thumb traced the patterns and flowers that framed the mirror. It looked delicate yet well balanced as the weight of the handle counterbalances the weight of the reflective surface.
We paused.
Hermione looked around," Does it seem quieter to you?"
"Probably just because it's the Quidditch match and it's quite nice out so it's probably that."
Hermione nodded," We should put some of these books away and find Harry and Ron to tell them what we know."
Putting my bag on my shoulder, I took a pile of books back to the shelves we borrowed them from. Placing the mirror on the desk – watching the books float back to where they belong, my head turned violently as I heard a crash behind me.
"Cel!" Hermione yelled from the other side of the library," Get out of - ."

Crawling under the desk, I didn't feel very brave nor did I feel very smart.
Taking a shaky breath, I ran my hand over the bench with my eyes closed till I took the mirror in my hand. With my legs curled under me, I used the mirror to look around the corners of the bookcase. Hermione was stood in the middle of the library, a piece of paper scrunched in her hand and the mirror placed to look over her shoulder. Looking from left to right, I kept close to the ground as I searched for Hadleigh.

She hadn't gotten that far – she was bent over the side of the bench; we eye tinted on the glossy wood by the pile of books she was going to put back.

"Is anyone in here?" I heard Lisa shout, she was in Ravenclaw with me and Hadleigh and shared a room with Isabelle and Mandy.
I turned to run down the library, using the mirror to look around the corners of the shelves.
"Not so fast little Dreamwalker, oh how I've heard about you." He hissed," Well whilst you're here might as well."

Facing the voice, I looked up to his face – he had a curl over his eye and in an old version of the Hogwarts uniform which was very close to the one my parents wore in the photos.

Using the mirror Hermione gave me, I lifted it slowly to my eye line and looked behind me.
A large snake raised its head, the green scales shimmering in the sunlight. It bared its teeth – venom dripping from the fangs.
Yellow eyes.

My body stiffened, starting from my legs -tears welled up in my eyes as I tried one last time to move. Then I couldn't.
Lisa walked towards us; her face dropped in fear. She fell to the ground. The boy walked around to her, moving her head to the side with a smirk.
"Finally." He laughed, looking at the snake who bowed his head," Only one more left."

It was like I was asleep after that. Frozen.

A Blue Raven [1] // Harry Potter // Draco MalfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora