Blood on the Wall (Part 2)

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CHAPTER NINE: Blood on the Wall

Nearing the top of the stairs, my legs burned. Jumping from the moving staircases, I had to walk up the second set of stairs that went up parallel to another set that went down. At the top was a gold sign on a large oak door, pushing it open, professor Flitwick walked around adding sheet music to the stands.
"found it ok?" He asked
Leaning my guitar on the wall, I tilted my head from side to side, "yeah, it was more hidden than I thought."
The room filled up – what surprised me more was a Slytherin and a Gryffindor on speaking terms. Sitting on a stool, I gently plucked at the strings on my guitar.
"As you know, Clyde broke his arm – so this is Celyn Longbottom she'll be filling in for us with the rest of the band for today." Flitwick introduced me; I gave a small wave before leaning my head in the curve of the instrument.
"how do we know she can play?" A Gryffindor girl shouted.
Professor Flitwick looked at her," I heard her play during many Study Hall Periods."
"Prove it." A Slytherin shouted.
He turned to me," Do you mind?"
I shrugged ducking my head as the new strap rested over my shoulders, "Fine."

Pressing my fingers to the cords, it wasn't a recent song that came to mind," Carry on my wayward son for there'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest don't you cry no more – "
By the end, I was standing with a smug expression on my face – I knew the song off by heart, dad used it as my lullaby when I was a baby. He made a mixtape with every song I fell asleep to.
The Slytherin nodded, "ok, slight impressive."
"hmm, thanks?" I shrugged, getting a compliment from a Slytherin wasn't on my bucket list of things to do today.

The choir picked up their frogs, Flitwick gave me a nod – following the music I had the choir picked up their toads, one very recognisable as Trevor. There singing was good, very operatic in style. However, the choice of choosing a Christmas song is strange.
"is it always this..." I trailed off.
A Hufflepuff nodded," Yeah, your song was the most energetic thing that has been sung here in years. I'm William George, then that poor guy over there on the piano is Alek Demir, Gryffindor and that is Achilles Rowle -"
A bored-looking Slytherin lifted his free hand up in a wave," Hello."
Achilles had a thick accent that I couldn't place but I knew it wasn't Welsh, Scottish or Irish.
"Good!" Professor Flitwick clapped," We have seven weeks till Christmas before we perform this to the school on the last feast of the year. Off you go, and remember, next time we are hearing is when your assignments are due in – I want to know what song speaks to you."
At five past four, the choir room was empty. My guitar was back in the case balance on the stool I had been sitting on, sitting on the piano stool and waited as the clock ticked by. With my head rested on my hand, my fingers pressed the ivory keys slowly and in some kind of rhythmic way.
"You play?"
Darting up, Draco Sodding Malfoy stood by the door - his normal neat tie had been loosened and his hair was losing its slick back look.
"No, why are you here?" I asked
He shrugged," Because I asked."
"Merlin, that was you?"
Malfoy smirked," Yes, wasn't the Slytherin Green ink enough?"
"Never occurred to me."
Malfoy put his bag down next to me on the seat," No, but I wanted to talk so here we are."
"Talk about what?" I questioned.
Rolling up his sleeves, his fingers danced over the keys – the song was slow yet meaning full.
"I wanted to apologies." He stated," Not going to lie, potions felt strange today – you were not happy, and it felt strange."
I laughed," Because I gave you the cold shoulder, you are apologising? Whatever for?"
"You know what." He said, his concentration on the music," I am sorry, I insulted your friends, by calling them – "
"Ok!" I interrupted," I will consider it, only if you teach me to do this."
He smirked," Deal."
"What's it called?"
He cracked his neck," 'Moonlight' Sonata composed by Beethoven."

In segments, he demonstrated every part – I copied where I could, Malfoy moving my fingers to the right key every couple of minutes.
"It's almost dinner." I proclaimed
Malfoy looked up at the clock," hmm so it seems."
"Thank you for this." I beamed, picking up my bags, I walked out of the room - holding the door open for Malfoy behind me.
He gave a rare smile, pushing me slightly. Strolling down the stairs, we made gentle convocation- if Hadleigh found out I spent two hours with Malfoy playing the piano; I'm convinced she will kill me.
"Next week? Want to keep learning?"
I nodded," Sure."
We stopped next to the winding staircase of Ravenclaw tower – some students walking up the staircase parallel that was flush against the stained glass.
"Erm." I stuttered," Happy Halloween."
"Happy Birthday, Celyn Longbottom." Malfoy turned around on the heels of his shiny shoes
Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding; I ran up the stairs – stopping at the top in front of the Bronze knocker.
"How –"
The large door opened, Robert stopped mid-laugh," Celyn."
"Robbie." My bright smile on my face.
Running past him, I b-lined straight for my dorm; opening the door I was shocked to see a gold banner and bunting decorating the room.
"Happy Birthday!" Padma and Hadleigh shouted with jazz hands.
Wrapping my arms around my two roommates," Thank you!"
Behind us a bright flash broke apart the hug, Isobel held a camera in her hand with an innocent smile," For the scrapbook."
"I'm gonna take a nap, I have astronomy after dinner."
Padma nodded," We'll wake you up before we go."

A Blue Raven [1] // Harry Potter // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now