Irresponsible Driving

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CHAPTER THREE: Irresponsible Driving

Packing our trunks, I pulled everything from my draws; throwing them over my shoulders into the full case. Drizella walked over to the trunk, dropping her teddy bear on top of a pile of t-shirts.
Kissing her head, I picked up my trunk, guitar and my broom, that was fastened to my bag.
Drizella followed down the stairs to the kitchen, Neville already had his coat on with his Gryffindor scarf loosely around his neck. It was cold for September; a light frost had settled last night.
Throwing my denim jacket over my blue jumper, I rested the scar over my shoulders underneath the collar.
Sitting in the fire, Drizella looked at us ready to go. I lifted my trunk onto the logs – leaning my bags on the top, freeing my right hand to take a handful of floo powder.
"Kings Cross."
Burning out, I twisted through the Floo system to the fireplace in King Cross station. Drizella jumped out, running in circles as I pulled my luggage out and throwing it onto a trolley. I jumped on the handles of the trolley; Neville materialised - adding his trunk and Trevor to the trolley at the same time; gran manifested in the train station behind us.
Pushing the trolley through the station, we stopped at the third arch between platforms' nine and ten
Turning to Neville, holding my fist out - he did the same, on the count of three, we hit our fists against our palms.

Rock breaks scissors.

Sticking my tongue out at him, I ran at the wall accessing Platform Nine and three- quarters.
At the back of the train, our trunks are strapped to the wall. Drizella staying by my side, Gran is standing by the back wall – making it easy to spot her.
She held my cheeks in her hands, staring me down," If you dream anything, and I mean anything – tell Dumbledore."
"You are really making me regret telling you." I rolled my eyes," It's just a dream."
She squished my cheeks," That's what Muggles say when they can't explain things 'it's just 'something – you are a witch Celyn, this means something."
Prying her hands from my cheeks," I will tell someone, if you promise to stop squishing my cheeks."
"I'm your grandmother." She pinched my nose, "I'm not promising that."
"Bye Gran!" I yelled, turning around to the train.
Hermione waved out of her window, frantically gesturing me to join her, Hadleigh sitting reading the end of her book. Drizella took the normal position of her head on the seat next to me, whilst I removed my scrapbook of music sheets from my guitar bag – resting the instrument on my knee. Neville pulled out his book on Herbology, the page marked on different healing plants.
The Weasley Twins pulled the door open followed by Adrian and Robert. Seamus and Dean soon joined us as the train left the station – they took a seat next to us to Hadleigh's annoyance as she closed her book.
"Has anyone seen Harry or Ron?" I asked, looking out the door to see if they had followed the Twins.
Dean shuck his head," They're probably pigging out in another compartment."
"Probably eating the last box of fudge he owes you." George laughed.
Fred smirked," mum was so annoyed about it, she said thank you for not holding the original bet, but she's more furious than the time we set a stink bomb off in Bill's room."
The old lady opened the compartment door, a smile present on her face as she pushed her cart. She always seemed to smell like butterscotch and freshly baked pumpkin pasties.
"Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked.
Taking my purse from my back, taking out five galleons," a bag of bon-bons and two bags of droobles and some Berty Botts?"
Taking the order from her cart, she put the galleon's in her pouch – passing over the sweets to Seamus, as he was closest to the door.
Opening the large bag, he shared them out between the others – Neville took a few, not taking his eyes from his book.
Strumming away, I saw a blue Ford Anglia out of my peripheral vision, I stood up, leaning into the window. Driving the Anglia, was Ron with Harry in the passenger seat.
"Oh they are that stupid," Hermione whispered to no one particular.
Watching from the compartment window, Ron lost control of the car, driving under the bridge.
Harry suddenly fell out of the car, holding on by the inside door handle, I just started hitting Neville as I was too scared to look away.
"What!" he hissed then I felt him lean on me, looking out the window, "Oh."
"Ya don't say." Seamus rolled his eyes.
Everyone in the compartment pressed their faces up to the window. Ron was able to get Harry back into the car, slamming the door shut. Neville watched Harry, giving us all uneasy looks.
Ron established a steady grip of the car wheel, flying far away from the engine.
"Did I just see my Seeker almost fall out of a car?" Oliver Wood shouted from behind us.
Fred still had his head pressed to the window, "No Oliver, you saw our brother drive the car -
"that almost killed your seeker." George smirked," For once Freddie, we are not in trouble."
"Think you're right Georgie.".
Sitting back down, I picked up my guitar again - Don't you [forget about me] instantly coming to mind. Fred and George looked confused as Dean and Seamus screamed the lyrics – their eyes squeezed shut.
Closing in on the station, Fred and George left to find their friends, on their way out, we kicked the guys out so we could change. I pinned Hermione's tight curls, keeping it out of her face as she tied her tie around her neck.
Exchanging places with the others, we stood outside the compartment – Malfoy sat with his goons, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. Through the glass, Blaise gave us a wave before turning back to his fellow Slytherins.

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