Lucas what's up? What happened to Daniel? Where is he?

Hey Kim I'm doing great thanks for asking.

Answer my question.

Daniel's been hospitalized.

My eyes bulged when I read that text. Hospitalized? As in the hospital? Sick? I could feel my heart rate increasing as terror skidded over my body.

Hospitalized? Why? Is he sick?

No, but he was involved in an accident.

Now my heart was pounding against my chest. An accident? No, this can't be happening.

What the hell happened?

He was hit by a motorcycle. Luckily he only sustained some minor injuries and a concussion.

What hospital is he in?

After Lucas gave me the name of the private hospital Daniel was admitted into, I placed my phone on the bed and hastily pulled on some clothes. I knew it. I knew it. I knew something wasn't right.

Aurora, who was in the room noticed I was in a rush and gave me a quizzical look. "Is everything okay Kim?"

Jennifer wasn't home yet because she still had classes. She's a medicine and surgery student. They take stuff too seriously.

"What? No, of course not. I just found out Daniel's in the hospital. Nothing is fucking okay." I said and picked up my purse, breathing heavily.

"What? What happened?" Aurora asked, genuinely concerned.

"Motorcycle accident. Where the hell is my phone?" I said, looking around the room.

"An accident? Oh man, hope it's not too serious." Aurora added.

"Me too. Where is my fucking phone?" I yelled.

"It's under the clothes on your bed you moron. God!" Aurora exclaimed, running a hand through her hair.

I pushed the clothes away, grabbed my phone and ran out of the room. Once I was out, I hailed a cab and was on my way to the hospital.

Minutes later I was at the hospital, the nurse leading me to Daniel's room and me trying to stay calm. This was after a series of security checks on my part. She asked for my student ID card and how I knew Daniel amongst other things then told me I could only spend twenty minutes there with him.

As I walked down the marble floors my mind started conjuring up a mental image of Daniel's brown skin all scarred and bruised, his handsome face distorted, hair gone, teeth knocked out. A leg missing.

I shut my eyes and prayed to God that he was truly okay.

The nurse opened the door for me and I stepped in, sucking in a breath of surprise.

Daniel was laying there, his left leg bandaged. A white bandage around his head, his wispy brown curls of hair splaying against his face. There were scratches up and down his arm that looked like they'd been dressed with something.

His eyes suddenly opened and he turned to look at me, a wide smile spreading across his face.

My eyes watered. I was on the verge of crying. How could he still smile like that after what just happened to him.

"Daniel, my God, what happened to you?" I said, sniffing.

Daniel just stared at me softly. I moved to stand next to his bed, placing my hand on his face, my eyes catching the little bottle of painkillers on the table next to him.

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