I ignored her and read the message he had sent.

Hey Sapphire, are you free?

I held my breath and muttered the words as I typed them on my phone

Of course. Well, until 1pm when I have to go to the cafe. What's up?

I have a major crisis and I need your help.

I frowned as I read the message. A major crisis? I wonder what could be the matter.

What's wrong?

I need your help with something really stressful. You sure you're up for it?

I wouldn't know until you tell me Danny

Fair enough. So I have babysitting duty today. I know, how delightful. My cousins are coming over because their mom has somewhere she's headed to. Do you think you can come help me babysit them, please? I'll do anything you want. :)

As I read the message a wide grin split my cheeks and I couldn't help the squeal that left my mouth

Aurora and Jennifer looked over at me, before exchanging confused looks.

OMG! Daniel just invited me over to his house on a Saturday to babysit and he's willing to do anything I want!

I couldn't believe how life was taking a different turn for me. This is literally like my dream come true. I hastily replied before I lost the opportunity.

Whoa, anything I want huh.

I'm serious, I'll do anything, help me please.

Alright you desperate soul. Where do you live?

You don't need to bother coming over. I'll tell my driver to come get you. How's that?

Alright. I'll just go get ready.

Thanks Kimberly, you're a life saver. :)

My mind was already reeling with possible scenarios and what I would demand of him.

He went offline and I let out a joyous squeal. Jennifer and Aurora gave me side looks filled with irritation.

"You guys, I have amazing news." I stood up and plopped on Jennifer's bed.

"What now?" Jennifer groaned.

"Oh, cheer up gloomy two shoes." I flicked her nose.

"Ow, that hurt you donkey." Jennifer covered her face.

"Are you gonna say what it is so I can go back to ignoring you." Aurora said, sighing heavily.

"Okay, Daniel just invited me over to his house." I said happily.

"For real?" Jennifer asked, raising a brow.

"I'm dead serious." I grinned.

"Why?" Aurora said, admiring her nails.

"Daniel wants me to help him babysit his cousins." I announced.

Possessive Kisses ✓Where stories live. Discover now