Secret Destiny

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Dan took a sip from his coffee and when he put his mug back down to the table, he started a conversation with Charles. "Son, I would like to know what was the issue last night and why did they attack you so late at night." Charles took a bite off of his waffles and chewed slowly, trying not to cause the stitches on his left cheek to open. He took a long sip from his orange juice and made a pause before he started speaking. "I really don't know dad, that night I received an unknown phone call and when I picked up someone told me to kill myself and that I am not worth living, after that I heard a group of people laughing from the phone and that's when they hanged up. I don't know how it connects with the throwing rocks at the window incident but here, take a look at this" Charles took out his phone from his pocket and went in his contacts to show Dan the call that he received last night "Take it and go through my messages as well. I had a few of them not so long ago as well from idiots similar to the guys who came and attacked me last night". 

Charles continued eating his pancakes in silence, waiting for Dan to say something after that inspecting his phone. It was then when his dad turned and looked at him and as he handed the phone back to Charles. He said "Charles, block all those numbers and messages until I figure out what I can do for you. Whatever they tell you at school, between breaks or even on your way home, don't listen to them and you are a top student in your school, don't forget this small detail because it's really is important for you to stay focused on your goal. I do am proud of you Charles, both me and your mom. Don't let them get to you, you are far greater than them." Dan said as he patted Charles's shoulder, on his way upstairs to get ready for work. 

Charles felt happy that both of his parents were finally aware of the situation he was in and that they stood by his side when he needed it the most. "Thank you both, you are both great parents and I love you," said Charles to his mom as he finished his meal and smiled to her. "Come on, you need to get ready or else you'll be late for school," said Jessica as she finished from cleaning up the table and went upstairs to get ready.

While Charles was getting ready for school, he felt a pinching pain on his chest and a stabbing-like pain on his back. He didn't think much of  it and quickly went downstairs to find Jessica waiting at the front door for him. Charles checked his backpack one last time before leaving, to make sure that he didn't forget any of his essential books and notebooks for the day. "Charles honey, are you ready?" said Jessica. As Charles was zipping his backpack and slowly putting it back on his shoulders he said "yes mom, let's go now we got some time until the bell rings" and opened the front door for both him and Jessica to get out.

"Go start the car for me hun until I lock the front door" said Jessica and handed Charles the car's keys. Charles took the keys, unlocked the car and took a seat next to the driver's seat as he started the engine and sat there patiently waiting for Jessica locks the front door. Jessica locked the door and got in the car. She put on her seatbelt "Charles, don't forget your seatbelt" she said as she started driving.  On their way to school, Charles had a chit chat with his mom about his final exams until they reached school. "So, do you understand the things that your teachers teach you in class" asked Jessica to which Charles said "Yeah, teachers are nice in our school and they are very understanding if we have questions after class." "We are here honey" said Jessica as she parked her car in the school's parking lot. "Have a great day at school sweetie" said Jessica and gave a kiss to Charles on his forehead before he got off. "I'm off" said Charles to Jessica as he got out and closed the door. Jessica drove off and Charles made his way in the school. Once we entered the school, he went to his locker and opened it to leave his backpack inside.

Then, a group of teenagers walked towards him and all of them were looking at him like they wanted to beat the crap out of him. That moment Charles felt a threatening emotion from the stares those teenagers gave him, he felt the same pain on his back and chest as he did before, causing him to fall down with him holding his chest and him screaming in pain. The teenagers surrounded Charles and stared him down, laughing at him and making fun of him. At that moment, Charles looked up and locked eyes with the biggest looking guy from all of them. Then he stood up back on his feet and his eyes slowly gained a crimson red eye colour, still having his eyes locked on the big guy. In an instant, 2 wings with a pure black colour appeared on his back with blood all over them. "What are you now? A bird you little weirdo?" said one of the teenagers as he laughed and pointed his finger at Charles "Hey guys look! This guy is a freaking bird" he said as he continue making fun of Charles. "Who do you think you are, prick" said the biggest guy of 'em all as he pushed him back, causing him to hit his back on the lockers.

Charles couldn't say a word from the shock he was in and all the pain that he was going through from his back and his wings "You... take that... back... Sett.." Charles said, squeezing between his breaths. He was slightly bleeding from his back from those wings, feeling each drop of blood leaving his body ten times worst than a normal human could. That moment he fell down backwards with his chest facing upwards, slowly forming a sapphire crystal on the centre of his chest. The teenagers stood their, watching him like he was some sort of maniac. "What the hell is wrong with this dude" said the big guy as he turned to look at the rest of them, looking back at him all frightened from what was happening to Charles in front of their eyes. "Get up you pri-" Sett was saying and before he could finish his sentence a huge shockwave came from Charles and knocked him back, along with everyone who surrounded him, causing them to fall down on the ground, unable to move. "MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE THE PAIN STOP!" Charles screamed on top of his lungs from all the pain and agony he was going through.

That's when the school's bad boys were walking down the school hallway, holding knuckles and baseball bats. As they were walking, they found Charles on the floor, crawling his way on his locker, trying to find his grip and get back on his feet. "Pathetic, let's beat the crap out of him. Get in position" said the leader and they all surrounded him, ready to attack. The Leader lean forward and whispered in Charles's ear "Do you want me to crack your skull wide open or do you want me send your head flying?" He said with a wide smile as he gently placed the bat's tip on Charles's shoulder. "Let's see what you are made of kiddo~"

As Charles was trying to get back on his feet, he turned from looking at the lockers back to the Leader of the bad boys group and said "You talk too much...." as he slowly got back on his feet barely moving from losing so much blood. "What's the point of killing me anyways... I am worthless and I don't serve any purpose in life so why do you even bother" said Charles as he started walking towards the exit. "Where do you think you are going, pussy!~" said one of the bad boys and pushed him onto the lockers, pressing his arm against Charles's neck. Charles stared the bad boy in the eyes and said "You really don't know when to stop do you..." and pressed forward, slowly pushing the bad boy back. "If you won't stop then I will stop you" Charles said as his eyes began to turn crimson again while locking eye contact with the bad boy, sending him flying in the ceiling with a powerful shockwave that came from the crystal in his chest. "GO! ATTACK HIM NOW!!" said the leader as they all charged at him, attacking him from all sides, damaging his ribs, legs, arms and spine. "STOP" shouted Charles as he pushed them all backwards and fell down as his wings hugged him in order to protect him from getting further damage. "How the hell did you manage to do that" said the leader as he was barely standing. Charles slowly walked his way to the leader and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up "You should know when to stop and when to talk. I will show you mercy and don't come near me again. You got it!" said Charles as he threw the leader on the lockers. "Well met. Thanks for opening my eyes to see my full potential of what I am capable of achieving once I stand up on my own two feet"

After the fight he had with the bad boys and knocking out cold their leader. Charles moved his way to the bathroom to look himself in the mirror and to see what happened to him. His back was all covered in blood and his wings were sharp on the outside and soft from the inside. He then went ahead and took a close look at the crystal that was on his chest and it had a sharp and hard surface on touch. "What have I become? How is this even humanly possible? How the hell do I have a crystal on my chest and wings on my back?" Charles couldn't believe what he was seeing in the mirror of himself. He opened the sink and put water in his hands, trying to wash himself from all the blood he was covered in. After he got himself in a more presentable state from cleaning himself he tried to hide the wings under his shirt but they were too big to hide them, so he took a new shirt from his locker and cut 2 holes on the back for them to pass through. "I wish I knew what is going on right now..." he said as he sighed.

Right after he finished wearing his shirt, his phone started vibrating in his pocket. He grabbed it and checked what was it and there was a message that read "Quickly, come outside of your school we need your help!". "What the hell?" whispered Charles as he turned to look at the entrance of his school from across the hallway. He walked his way towards the entrance to find the entire city covered in a huge dark cloud with thunders hitting down on the city.

Then, he heard a voice on his left ear loud a clear say "Quickly! We have to hurry up. follow me!"


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