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I groaned, banging my head on the stone counter. I hated not being able to see color. It sucked. Everything, for miles, was gray. Gray here, gray there, gray a little bit lighter, gray.  I knew it was going to be like this until I met my soulmate, and the world would explode into a million colors, and it would be the happiest day of my life, but I wanted to be an an artist. How would I do that  when all I saw was gray?

Instead of starting yet another colorless piece, I decided to go out. The local park next to my apartment was so pretty, or, I assumed it was, with all the different shades of gray. The flowers served as endless inspiration for my sketches, speckled and striped and faded colors.

I grabbed my sketchbook, pencil, and phone, and headed out. The park was close by, so thankfully, after a three minute walk, I was there. 

I found a nice bench to sit down on, pulling out my sketch book. I turned to a daisy on my right, sketching the narrow petals and arrow leaves. I felt someone sit down next to me, but didn't pay attention. I  got lost in the drawing, shading in the darker grays and shadows of the petals.

"Wow, that's amazing. You're a great artist." I heard the person next to me say. I didn't look up, and instead working on the finishing touches. 

"Thanks. Wish I could add color it, though." I sighed.

"Ah, no soulmate yet? Me neither. Sucks, huh?" 

"Yeah. I want to be an artist. Kinda hard when I can't see any of the colors." I heard the person next to me chuckle in agreement.

"I want to be a poet, but literally half of the poems out there describe colors. Like, the daisy you have there could be orange of yellow or green or black, not that I know what any of those are, but I can't really describe it until I can see them, y'know?" I laughed, nodding. Not thinking better of it, I looked up. Then, there were colors. 

Bright ones and dark ones and happy ones and mad ones. They exploded across my vision, filing  spaces and lines and blanks in between. The first thing I saw was the person sitting next to me, who, and I shit you not, looked like a literal angel. His fluffy hair was the happiest color of all, his eyes a dark but bright gray, the one color I did recognize. I gasped as I looked around, seeing all the flowers and trees and grass explode into color. I grabbed the persons hand, and with him in tow, dashed to my apartment. I gathered all the colors I had bought before hand, for when I could see color, and got to work. I painted everything around me, letting the happy and sad and bright and dark colors bleed together. It was incredible.

 I was in the same chair maybe a few hours, maybe a little longer. I wasn't really sure. The person, who I guess was my soulmate, didn't leave. He stayed, only stepping out to call a few people. He patiently waited, sometimes scribbling in a notebook, sometimes standing behind me, looking over my shoulder. After I was done, I stepped back. There sat a painted daisy, but instead of the plain color, a mess of colors scattered the petals. I loved it. 

When I was done, I was exhausted. I opted to flop down on the couch next to my soulmate, leaning my head on his shoulder, curling up beside him. He wrapped an arm around me.

"My name is Magnus, y'know."

I leaned over and pecked his cheek. "Alex. Now, don't move. You're really comfy and I'm tired."

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