The Phone Call

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Goodbye, sleep

Alex POV 



"I need to call Sam real quick, she's been telling me to be more connected or whatever."

"Go ahead." I dial the landline, taking a seat down on the plushy couch cushions. We talked about normal things, like the crappy weather, how our father was stupid, and her new bakery. I was in the middle of explaining why calzones were pointless, when Magnus plopped down next to me. His gaze momentarily fixated on the TV, some gardening show, when he began  to get impatient.

"Aleeeerex." He wines softly, trying to get my attention. He's like a puppy. He can only stay on one thing for so long before wanting attention. He kept whining. I moved to the kitchen, trying to get rid of him. He followed me though, all over the apartment before we end up sitting on our bed. A malicious spark flickered in his eyes.

"Alex." He whispered hoarsely. He trailed his finger down my collarbone. I steadied my breathing, trying to focus on Sam's new toaster. He leaned in, running his lips over my exposed neck. He peppered me with kisses, but upon seeing only a fraction of change, he pulled oust the big guns. He nipped my neck, smirking at my breath catching. 

"H-hold on, Sam." I tried to shoo Magnus away, but he persisted. He wrapped his legs around my waist, resting his teeth above my ear. 

"Don't make me do it." He whispered. I tried to ignore him.

"S-so, Sam. How has your f-fiancé been lately?" I say, powerless to Magnus. 

"Fine, it's actually funny and- Alex what's going on?" She questioned, curiosity evident in her voice.

"N-n-nOTHING." I practically yelled as Magnus added to the collection. I heated Sam start to cackle as she heard me.

"Go ahead Alex, have fun." She said before hanging up. I set the phone down gently, before launching myself into Magnus.

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