Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Presley's POV:

"So Luke moved to America last year because his mom had gotten a really good job there. This was when we weren't really popular yet. But anyway, the job didn't go too well for Mrs. Hemmings, and he ended up moving back to Sydney. Just before he left, he promised that he would never forget about Audrey. So they both agreed never to see anyone else until they were done with school and could get married and all that mushy stuff." Ashton explained. My eyes were wide as I looked at Ashton in amazement.

"Wow. So he's never cheated on her this whole time while being away from her for so long?"

"Nope. Not once. Actually, she's all he ever talks about." He said rolling his eyes.

His hypnotizing, sparkly, hazel eyes.

I tried not to stare as he lifted his arms above his head to stretch. His shirt came up a little bit, just to reveal a perfect v line. I looked away to try and look like I wasn't staring. Though I was.

I looked over on the other side of the tour bus to see Luke and Audrey sitting on the long red couch that stretched all the way down to the bedrooms. Luke sat slouched up against the cushions, and Audrey laid down with her legs across Luke's lap. They were talking, but I didn't bother to tune in to hear what they were saying. I just continued to look around the bus.
The bus here is a lot bigger and ten times nicer, probably because this is their own tour bus. There was a bigger space for the bunk beds that connected to the walls. This time, there were six beds. One on the bottom, one in the middle and one on the top, on each side of the buss. On the walls, there were pictures of the guys. There was one where all of the guys were sitting in front of a Christmas tree with their instruments. Ashton sat on a wooden box and looked like he was hitting it from under him. Another picture was of Luke and Calum wearing sombreros and mustaches. Another one was of Ashton, in the kitchen, cooking what looked like pancakes.
I looked over to see Ashton intently staring at me. Once I caught him, he turned away and looked out the window.
I began to smirk.

"What?" I said.

He looked over at me and ran his fingers through his hair.
Before he could speak, I began to talk.

"You cook?" I said still smirking and pointed to the picture of him up on the wall.

"Oh. That. No I don't." He said trying to shake it off

"Don't lie to me, Irwin." I said poking his side.

"Fine. It was a one time thing. It wasn't even good." He said rolling his eyes once again trying to look manly.

I looked at him for a moment. He looked as if he was trying to say something, but couldn't.

"Did you need to tell me something?" I asked him.

"Oh yea. So after the show tonight, I have to show you something." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He said smiling.

That child was about to kill me with his smile.

While the guys were on stage, I stayed back in one of the rooms backstage with Audrey. She's a very nice girl. I'm getting to know her a little better and she has become a good friend.

"You and Ashton are too cute." She said, suddenly out of no where.

"What?" I asked her.

"You and Ashton. Your dating, right?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Oh no. We aren't dating." I said, hoping she would change the subject.

"Presley, haven't you ever seen the way he looks at you? And...the way you look at him? You two need to be together before your eyes fall out." She said.

I began to smile, trying to hide it hoping she wouldn't see.

"You like him!" She squealed.

"Hush!" I said trying to quiet her down

"You really like him, don't you. I see that smile. That isn't just any smile. Honey, your in love." She said.

"Ok. Maybe I do like him, but I don't know if I want to be with him because I just broke up with Calum and-"

"You were dating Calum?" She gasped.

"Yea, but he's such a cheater. And a jerk. It's a long story. But anyway, it would be really weird for Calum if I started dating Ash all of the sudden." I told her.

"Forget Calum! Do what you want. All that matters is how you really feel about Ashton. Now tell me the truth. Deep down inside of you, do you really want to be with Ashton?"

I hesitated a little, but then answered.

"Yea" I said letting out a sigh of relief.

"So tell him that." She said. She began to get up from her seat, and walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Don't you have to be on stage any minute now? You better get ready." She said turning the corner.
I got up and walked out the door. I looked in one of the small mirrors and fixed my hair, that was now straightened.

Suddenly, I heard Ashton's voice yell into the mike. I stood back stage, waiting for him to call me out on stage.

"Please welcome one of our best friends, Presley!" He yelled.

I ran out to the piano, and before I knew it, the crowd was screaming at the top of their lungs. Man, I must have gained a lot of fans over night.

We played the song, and ended the concert on a good note. As soon as I got off stage, Ashton grabbed my wrist and pulled me after him, towards the back door.

"What are you doing?" I asked him getting a little worried.

"I have a surprise for you." He said dragging me behind him.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! Comment and vote!! Thanks for the reads!!! :)

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