Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Presley's POV:
I sat at the kitchen table with my phone in my hand. I stared at it until my mom finally made me dial the number.

"Ok. Here it goes." I whispered.

I began to dial the number. My mom sitting right beside me was definitely not helping me with the pressure.
I took the phone and put it up to my ear. The buzzing of the phone made me even more nervous. Suddenly the phone picked up. My heart skipped a beat.
Then, a low Australian accent answered.

"Hello, this is Ashton." The voice said.

"Umm, is this 5 Seconds of Summer?" I asked nervously.

"Yes it is. this a fan...?" He said with an uneasy voice.

"No, no. This is Presley. Like PresleyPlays1996." I told him.

"Oh! Well hello, dear! We have a lot to discuss. You are a very talented singer and piano player, you know that right?" He asked.

"Uh, yes I guess so. I didn't think I was that good." I told him.

"Well the whole band and I think that you are good enough to play for our new song that I'm writing. No. Your amazing." He said.

"Thanks. Now what do I need to do?" I asked him.

"Well, we were planning on playing this song on our next tour that's starting up in a few weeks. So...we were hoping you would come on tour with us. It's a blast. You would have so much fun." He said.

I paused. On tour? With four guys? As I sat there in silence my mom touched my shoulder

"What's he saying?" She whispered. I shooed her away

"Are you still there?" He asked.

"Oh, yes, sorry. Umm, on tour.
Wow. And for how long?" I asked.

"Six months." He answered quickly.

"Oh...six months" I said.

"I completely understand if that's a concern" he started.

"Well, I'm starting collage in August." I said.

"That's ok. I understand." He said.

"No wait! Don't hang up. Can you just hold on for one second?" I asked.

"Sure." He answered.

I put the phone down on the table, and walked over to my mom who was now over by the fridge.

"He wants me to go on tour with them." I told her.

"Honey that's great!" She shouted in a whisper

"But the only problem is, that it starts in a few weeks and goes on for six months."

Her smile wiped off of her face. But she looked back up into my eyes

"Presley, I believe that your old enough to make decisions for yourself, and I want you to be happy. So if getting famous off of this band is going to make you happy, then I say go." She said as a small smile appeared on her face.

My mom has always wanted me to follow her footsteps and go to North Carolina State University, but my whole life, I wanted to just get my music out into the world. I can't believe she is actually agreeing to this. I thought she would go into a tizzy. I'm happy that she is happy.

"Thanks mom." I said wrapping my arms around her neck. She hugged me back and rubbed my long blonde hair.

"Now go and talk to him before he hangs up!" My mom said pointing to the phone.
I ran back over to the kitchen table and picked up my phone.

"Hey, are you still there?"'I asked hoping he hadn't lost patience.

"Yep!" He said in a cheerful voice.

"Ok. I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I agree to go on tour with you." I said as I let out a breath. I looked over to my mom who was smiling at me.

"That's great! So the new song that I'm writing needs a piano player, and possibly background vocals. Are you up for that?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I replied

"Great. So we are gonna need to meet up with you a few days before the tour so that we can all practice together. How does meeting on the 1st of July sound?" He asked.

"That sounds ok, but I live in America. Where are we planning on meeting exactly?" I asked.

"We are sending one of our security guards over to the air port to pick you up when you land in Sydney. Then he will drive you over to Luke's house. That's where we will practice. We have all of the instruments there, and we can begin to practice." He explained

"Wow. This is a lot to process right now." I told him.

"I know, but we have everything already figured out for you. All you have to do is show up at the airport, get on the plane, and ride to our house. Simple. We are paying for it all." He said.

"Wow. Thank you so much. I can't believe this is happening." I said.

"Your welcome. And no, thank you. We will see you on the 1st!" He said cheerfully.

"Ok! Thanks. Bye."
I hung up. I took in a deep breath, and let it out. My mom walked over to me.

"I'm so happy for you, Presley." She said rubbing my shoulders.
"Now tell me everything he explained." She said.

She sat down beside me, and I explained the plans to her. She wasn't thrilled with the fact that I would be on a tour bus for six months with four random guys, but I assured her that I would take care of myself.

That night, I went over to Casey's house, to tell her the news.
As soon as I told her, she absolutely flipped out.

"I can't believe this is happening! Can I come? Please tell me they said you could bring a friend!" She begged.

"No. This is just for me. I wish you could come, partly because you know them like the back of your hand and I don't, and also because I don't want to be the only girl on the bus with them." I told her.

"Ha! If I were you, I would be happy to be the only girl on the bus." She said.
"Just promise me that you will send me pictures 24/7." She added.

"Yea, I will." I said.

"Honey, you are not excited enough. Why aren't you acting like this is huge?" She said with a little sass.

"Because, I don't really know the band that well, and this is my future. This is going to start my career in music. I'm a little nervous. Come on, you would be nervous too." I told her.

"I see what you mean, Pres, but this is 5 Seconds of Summer. They could have chosen any other musically talented girl in the world, but they chose you!" She said.

"I know" I said looking down at the ground for a moment.

"Well, I have to go home now. It's getting late." I told her.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she began shutting the door.

I walked back to my house, and entered the door. I walked up to my bedroom and picked up my guitar. I began playing Amnesia on my guitar. I smiled as I did. I thought about what Casey said. They could have picked any other girl, but they chose me. I can't believe it.
I have to push aside the fact that I will be the only girl, and think about the friendships I'm going to make with the boys.


Sorry about this short chapter. It probably seems really boring now, but PLEASE keep reading. It's going to get so much better.

~Lub you~

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